English translation from French from the European Patent Office on the De La Warr Camera Using Google Translate this is a very rough translation A better translation from the French patent is badly needed FRENCH REPUBLIC MINISTRY OFINDUSTRY AND TRADE classE OF INVENTIONVET DEPARTMENT of INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY No. 1,084,318: Perfection events in search of a background radiationamentale. Mr. GEORGE WALTER DE LA WARR residing in Great Britain. Asked June 22, 1953, at 16h 34 ', in Paris .. Undelivered July 7, 1954. - Published on January 18, 1955. The invention relates to a method and an apparent | molecular weight (see, for example the article reillage to search for the fundamental radiation JPC Maby in "Ray fundamental Analysis", a sample having undergone a levy British Society of Dowsers Journal ( "Analysis and ryare hereinafter referred to, for simplicity, radius fundamental, "in the Journal of society"sample ", the invention is special but ment of Britishraiesthésistesd) flight VIII, No. 64,the. not exclusively applicable to search for the 1949. fundamental radiation of a sample such as one For the detection of these radiations, it was proposed drop of blood or sputum taken from a subject of many devices, the most satisfactory is one for the purpose of diagnosing the presence or absence device based on the rubt with apart of a disease, and, if that disease exists, of a body human. In one embodiment appro minst the location of the diseased organ or requested, this device comp makes emembrane by diseased part of a given body. for example a rubber sheet of about 2.5 cm. It has long been admis qeu different wide and a few centimeters in length, forms of materials emit continuously dif which is stretched on a metaplatelll that connected by annuities raRADIATIONS whose properties are charac a wire to a gold any subject subject to ticks of the given material. We know little about radiation. WhatUQLaslightly rubs on these radiations, and we even met acer rubber sheet hangsnta rule using tain skepticism as to their existence, much the device by searching position resonance. in part,the difficulty of detecting the finger of the first operator to slide regularly this radiation by means of appropriate instruments on the rubber sheet until the moment when required. Some instruments have been devised to detect resonant position the that is reached; at this time, ter these radiations, these instruments are wholly friction is increased to the point where it occurs or partly independent of subjective reactions, an audible noise when the doigt passes over rubbe butc they of these radiation that have been detected chouc. A device of this kind is described in the most easily by the US physioreactions patentin the name of Hiéronimuno. 2,482,773 logical body human, in possible association lle of September 27, 1949. with the equipment used by radiesthesists. In some cases, the operation is sensitive radiation These features have an effect direc lie struble par the thoughts of the operator, qui tional which also chasractéristique the lead to anal radiation.ogues It can therefore Matiere coni.sidered It was found that the direction be desirable for the operator concentre his thoughts associated with ucomponent that has been called on the disease in question. Fo radiationndamentaleis rotated The detection of this radiation s est made more daytime if one does not provide any means for easy or even makes possible ue causing in reso stabilize. But if one places a magnetized bar with them a suitable type of resonator. vertical above the sample, it was found that outside of his guidance, we consider that the char direction of fundamental radiation is Stabili important teristic radiation is sin form See and remains constant for a given material. We have wave, while the frequency seems to have only carefully studied the corresponding directions, relatively little importance. As a result, the waves in practice, all the elements, and it was found peuto bewind of what is generally considered that they follow a smooth curve dependent on comme different types, for example they may atomic weight these elements; one also be sound waves, light waves or found that similar results have been obtained waves whose exact nature is still undetermined. In the case of compound bodies in relation to their | It is also possible that the waves in question are always the same but superimposed or nostic of a condition such as a disease by research are used to modulate the sound waves, luminous, of the fundamental radiation of a com sample or of other types. taking a support for a photographic material It has been found that radiation from sensitive deuxou several sources of e radiation different parts of corps are different, and fundamentale which one or which cha ccomprises a further that radiation from a diseased organ support for ECHAntillon which cachcom differ pfrom those rovenantof aorghealthyane; we take a device capable of being tuned so proposed to uses radiation characteristics in stéagir the fundamental radiation characteristic various goldganes Human Body for diagnos sample, an oscillator for energizing the tell diseases. Par result, caque orgadoes the positive above, ets Moyens For direct the body and even each part of such a body is fundamental radiation proPalint thiss sources associated with a different characteristic radiation in the photographic material. which it responds by resonance, and that it emits by at least one of these devices must, preferably also. No. comprise a conical spiral non magne These facts were PREVIOUSously used to tick provided with a contact sliding likely diagnosis of diseases by mounting a battery to be moved along the spiral in contact with resonators tuned respectively to different any selected point along its length, et a frequency and a superposed façon Dater a magnet baré arranged coaxially to the spiral complex wave corresponding to that associated and intérieur de celle- this. The sliding contact to the disease in question or organ malade may be provided or supported by a radial arm trans issue. Un sample prelifted On est versal with respect to the axis of the coil, may then subjected to the resulting vibration, and a detec turnselfurthis axis, and forced to move suitable tor, by example of the type mentioned more along the axis of the spiral in rotation so high, is used to determine whether it occurs or follow the spires of this spiral. No.Noeresonance. It was found that the form in mode construction, spiraleis theaorga wave only particular patient produced constitby a wireUEE métallithat wound. resonance with almost all the samples taken At least one of the devices that may be on the body of a subject suffering from this disease , as mentioned above, includes a game, for example a drop of blood or a sputum . three or several resonators may be may be used an apparatus similar to the granted apart unsdes other treatment. In this case, the resonators are tuned to the various components of the radia waveform on what it is assumed to be a form ofcomple wave. tion Mentaire of that corresponding to the disease, and each of the resonators games may be of applic about the vibration of this waveform connu, by exempthe type described in the request ccmplément have re. . English patent of the same inventor ofepdared under An apparatus for Detect diseases ioncom No. 28.C88 November 2, 1949 for "Waveforms" taking a resonator battery described in (waveforms). British patent in the name of Ruth Drown, No. 515866 Dans these conditions, each resonator can com from 1 July 1938. Itadputsthat the result not takemagNetiquebody,preference with the latter device is sometimes disappointing, elongated rai,pivoted rotatably individual sound because it has not ande used in connection with LEMENT about a horizontal transverse axis, the detector for diagnosing rah Resonance. axes pivotof all the resonators of a game vThe present inventioniis the use of aetanparallelt. In addition, each of organes pivoted photographic plate to give a document may have acapable ofslipring coming materialreproducing the diagnosis not only in engagement with a stationary ring having the same axis, circular indicating s'ilya or not a disease, but specifying or curved so that when rotating the éventuellemengoldt location. Gane, the rotary switch glisse sur bagme and The Renseimation given above in ce that can thus be adjusted so as to come into contact are the current knowledge of the radiation with any point of the circumference of the fundamental are intended to make the ring clearer according to the setting given to this organ. All basicnowhich restethe invention, myit is Resonates istersa game, par example in number should not be regarded as dependent on a twelve, can be linked, by coIn particular, there is a particular theory relating to its mode of operation, such as electrical conductors or the like. In fact, the method and the apparatus that one rigid rods, to a plate of common mixage. will be described below gave remar results These connections individual can be avanta quables, although the theoretical basis of these results geusement connected to fixed rings. is not clearly established. In a preferred embodiment of the inven According to the invention, an apparatus for diag- tion 1, il are three sources of radiation, and further two of these sources may include Avail- | on the support associated with the spiral and to regulate this tunable siti s of the type which includes games of last with the help of the detector until obtaining resonators, while the third has a dis of the maximum reaction; to adjust the polarization positive tunable spiral screen. In this mode of con with the help of a detector until struction, each of the tunable devices can maximum reaction; to bring the sample on its êbe mounted in a separate closed original support compartment in the same orientation; To form a resonant cavity, and a bar in place the sensitive photographic surface in its vertical magnet can be disposed in an active position after switching off the oscillations. ash dacnshacundan these compartments, lators; to operate again these magnets rotatable about their axis so for a period of time sufficient to "expose" it to take any desired angular setting. In this case, area photographic sensitive; Finally, to remove the sample holder associated with each source exposed surface and to develop in the manner of radiation may comprise two metal plates h.abituelle lic placed on either side of the magnet som In eanother construction,meansspputs our compartment. The plates of each pair directing the fundamental radiation may be connected via achoke to means produce aneck magnetic field high frequency. In one embodiment, reflec means are provided for projecting a beam of lights concave arranged to receive the plane radia transversely transverse to this magnetic field fundamental originating from one of the sources. tick in the area of ??the photographic surface. and reflect it on the photographic surface. For example, the magnetic field may be pro In unembodiment, each of the reflectors Duit by one or more permanent magnets between tors has in front of him, a lens. In addition, the opposite poles of which the surface is located at least one of the reflectors may have, in front tographic, while the light polarized can from him, a polarizing screen, for example in the matter be produced by a set of nicols arranged in the neighborhood known as the polaroid. The polarizing screen swims an edge of the photographic surface. That is preferably mounted so that it can be arranged preferably on an edge in a manually adjusted by rotating about its axis, a vertical plane on one side of one of the compartments preferably on the by means of a button mounted outside the resonators and in line with the axis of the magnetic bar laughing of the apparatus;this t ecryear should be mounted vertically in the compartment; it must be able to avant of the reflector associated with the spiral. movable toward or by éloiGnant this In an advantageous embodiment, the compartment on. sensiblfacee photographic is disposed in a In another of its embodiments, in the horizontal plane and the radiation sources are espa vention comprises an apparatus for diagnosti Cees about a vertical axis at angu quer unétat intervals such that a suspected disease in research , for example, 90 °. These sources can be singing the fundamental radiation of a SAMPLE illis disposed below the sensitive surface while this apparatus comprising a radiation source that the reflectors are above it and the side basic formed by a conical spiral not opposed to the vertical axis by input to the source magneticin combination with an sliding contact associated. can be set to the length of the spiral Further, in a suitable embodiment, the axis in contact with any selected point of the chaque projection reflector passes through the tip latter and by a bar magnet disposed coaxially lower du vertical stir bar in the spiral and the inside thereof. compartmentor in the vicinity of this point.In Unanother aspect, the invention relates The invention aims éscabiesment method for utili a app pareillageourofiagnostiquera flat such ser above equipment to seek a disease suspected parrecherche of. presence of a condition such as a suspected disease, fundamental radiation of a sample, this appa with the aid of a suitable detector, an example of which includes a support for the sample, is described below. The method includes placing cha a source of fundamental radiation comprising as resonators game and the bar magnets verti a nonmagnetic conical spiral combined with cal horn respondants in the position determined in a sliding contact can be set to advance associated with the state that we want to detect; to | the length of the spiral in contact with a point to actuate the oscillators and to place any selected thereof and a bar magnet the sample on the support associated with the first set disposed along the axis of the spiral and the inside of resonateurs and, together with a detector there of, an oscillator for energizing the source, and an appropriate resonance, to vary its orientation support for a photographic light sensitive until the reaction maxima of detec susceptibthee being exposed to the tor Fundamental radiation; to place the sample in the same orientation | from this source. It is assumed that a device such as the device tuning consistinged by the non-magnetic coil may constitute a fundamental part of the inven tion in all its forms, as a constituent device which can be grant to detect or respond to energie fundamental characteristic of a material ora particular state. It is assumed that the spiral, in association with nn hori zontal bar magnet, achieves a sortof an magnetic spectrum, and that by granting the spiral direction and the characteristic point of its longueur corresponds antto the sample, the energy fundamental charac teristic of this sample can be isolated and highlighted. The invention can be implemented in various ways; In the accompanying drawings, schematically and by way of example are shown two particular embodiments. The fi1 is a vertical section of a apparatus following diagnostic invention, the line II in 3. FigureFigure 2 is a similar sectional by the ligne IT-II fiFigure 3.fiFigure 3 is a section hoof the rizontaleappa Reil by theigne III-III of Figure 1. Figure 4 is a plan of the lower housing of the apparatus, its lidetare moved tont show inside. FiFigure 5 is a partial vertical section on a larger scale of one of the resonators of the appa dares trois who are in the vicinity of the circles of three adjacent sides of the housing receive three radiation sources; the compartment 13 contains a coil 14, the opposite compartment 15 contient a set of resonators 16, and a THIRD compartment 17 placed on one side by report to the compartments 13 and 15, contains a second set resonator16s ( Fig. 4). Each game resonator includes a number suitable of resonators 16, twelve in the pre case feels, of which one is shown in detail in Figures5 and 6, which are arranged one above the other in three rows horizontal. These ren ordinators are all mounted on a fifth panelrtical18, and their axes 19 pass through the outer wall of the housing lower and are provided with control buttons 20 and dials graduated 21 To allow the re-tuning.The compartiments 13, 15 and 17sontcoated with a hard material,and bulkheads delimita thetent are arranged so that the distance of apring résonateurs to the opposite wall of compartiment has ecertain critical dimension, determined by trial and error, an example of which will be given later . Each resonator 16 includes a barre hasthelon Gee 23 of brassor any other rigid material non-magneticsuch as glass, aluminum, wood or e,plastic transversamounted LEMENT at the inner end of axis 19. the rod 23 carries a metal contact blade 24 having a extremity is fixed to the bar by a screw 25, and whose face other extremity is free and engages a split circular ring 26 steel or other conductor of the electric current orthe électricity static. The split ring is fixed at one of its ends 27 to apanel 18, and its other end is free. The end 27 is connected to a28,preferably of material ring similar to the ring 25. A single stop 29 serves to limit the rotation of the bar 23, and the stop 29, the graduation 21 and the index30 the boutonofcontrol manuit ea 20chresonators were arranged as mybe the fiFigure 8; button 20 and the bar 23 can rotate from 0 to 10 of the graduated tion, the button 20 tournant in the clockwisee shows, as oseenn Figure 8. The 0 of the graduation is determined as being the position in which the long axis of the bar is at 12.5 ° on the vertical in the direction of the needles of ae shows, as wesee figure 6, with upwards the Extremists moth the bar on which the contact 24 is fixed by the screw 25. the bar 26, instead of being slotted, can affect the shape of a complete circle. Rotation of the knob 20 thus causes rotation of the rod 23, and it causes é also a corresponding variation in the longueur cOurbe free of the plate 26 between the fixed end 27 applies to land and thee point contact with the blade 24 reach reil. fe of FIGuren end of linefigure 6 is an end view of the resonator, taken from the right of Figure 5.. Figure 7 isucoupe horizontal by the line VII-VII of Figure 1 and showing the interior of the upper housing. Figure 8 is ufront view on a larger échelledu resonators control panel, showing the douze control dials of these resonators set to the number corresponding to pulmonary tuberculosis Figure 9 is a side view on a larger scale, showing various details of the spiral. Figure 10 is a schematic diagram of a variant of a diagnostic apparatus. · Figure 11 is a section on a larger -scalele by theigne XI-XI of Figure 10. The illustrated diagnostic apparatus sur the esFigures 1 to 9 and which will be called hereinafter Afterns "camera" has two rectangular boxes10 and 11. The lower and largest box 10 has its surface at a height approximately equal to that of a table;dans this purpose it is supported on foot suitable or another not shown appropriate system. It is surmounted by four pillars 12 which support the upper casing 11;this lastr is much smaller. The housing is divided by internal vertical partitions into nine compartments [1084318] par the barre23. The terminals 28 of douze Resona-nevertheless,but the turns of smaller diameter 16 tors are interconnected by large one's spiral wires will not play any role. The extreme Emite common mixing plate 31. s foreignure 52 of the spiral is grounded by the top cover 33 of the housing 10 forms the thread 54 topof each of the compartments 13, 15 and 17 the compartment 13 containing the spiral is EGA and carries, above each compartment 15 and 17, LEMENT provided with a vertical magnetic bar 55 two rectangular metal plates 34 (fig. 3) similar to the magnet 35, disposed Even and Suspected pplaced art either side of a tible magnetic bar to be rotated by a combutton vertical35 quidown into the compartment and Mande 56 provided with a graduation 57 (fig. 1 and 3). The rotatable about its axis under the action of a compartment 13 is equally provided with plates maneuver knob 36 by hand and provided with a metal 58 similar to the plates 34 and dispo graduation 37. The two plates 34 of each pair sees and interconnected as well, and a are interconnectées par a small self high vibrator 39 and a transformer 40. frequency, not shown, below the neck of the ucompartments 1x5 and 13 chacun vercle 33. provided with a connecting sleeve which may, · in each of the compartments 15 and 17, in an advantageously, be placed in one of compar suitable point through an angle, is mounted a vibrator angle buildings and is not représentée onelectromagnetic es 39 (fig. 1 and 4) excited by a small drawings. Dyears the case of compartment 13, the transformer 40 at 6 volts so as to vibrate at a socket is connected by an unillustrated wire to a conven frequency,ble for example 100 cycles. The end of the coil 14, while in the case of the circuit of each vibrator 39 includes an inter compartments 15tht 17, the douiltes corre separate breaker 41 spondingare connected to the plates 31.douilthe the compartment 13 contains a accor dfirstdevicepe ccordementuwind receiving the end of dable comprenanat spiral14 about seven flexible cable of a detector hand used porr turns of elarge brass wire or other substance to determine when the corresponding non-magnetic compartment; taifixed center tubular ge 43 is in resonance state. (Fig. 9) made of brass or non-metallic material is the upper housing 11, smaller, is sealed placed inside the spiral and has on its light and has in its bottom a support 60 external surface a ghelical arniture 44 corres Forephotographic plate of the type used in laying direction and not to the spiral 14. as dans ordinary photographic apparatus seen in FIG 9, the spiral extends between thewalls; plate this support is arranged in such a way that an outer surface inner and of the compartment 13 with a photographic plate can be exposed at its inward point. A sliding ring 45 TER AL of the housing 11. This housing contains three reflectors has a helical inner groove corre concave tors 61 in front of each of which is ing to and cooperating with the rodread,44 re and is located a lentilte coaxial 62 biconvex. The reflectors mounted on the rod 43. This ring carries an arm tors 61 are hemispherical mirrors dual radial constitutedé by of them parallel rods 46qui ment silver of 9 cm focal length bear a sliding contact 47 surrounding the spiral while the lenses 62 have 5 cm lon and en contact with it. As a result, when the ba| focal length. Each of the reflector-len systems rotates, the whole of the groove and the turret groove is mounted on one side of the central vertical line moves it along the rod, so that the arm 46 of the entire apparatus and is arranged in a manner following the turns of the spiral and that the contact 47 is that its axis passes through the lower point of one moves along the arm 46 as a function of the radius of the bars vertical magnet55, 35, in the crescent ordescending spiral. A button respective compartments 13 and 15 or 17. In front of manual control 48 aret mounted on a manreflector-lens system directed versthe magnet Chon49 which has two operating rods 50 contents of years the compartment 13It is mounted parallel to the axis of the spiral and passing through a free polaroid screen 63 provided with a button for fitting longitudinal holes drilled in the manual ring 64 and a control 45. As a result, when the knob 48, a reduction gear and pinion,, not shown in detail, is rotatedit rotates the rods 50 that cause the rotation to rotate the screen around the axis of the system and consequently the longitudinal displacement of the collar 45 associated lens reflector. Each reflector system which slides onthe rods 50. A magnetized bar lens is inclined so that the radiation which fixes it51 is mounted inside the rod 43, with its coming from the associated compartment towards which neighboring north pole the button 48 and its medium neighbor is led is reflected and converged to a focal point of the tip of the spiral. Theoretically, the lon located ina region of the photographic plate. The bar of the magnetized bar should be twice as much. The radiation is considered as reflected, although the axial length of the spiral; however, if the | that, as far as is known, the angle of the radia mant aretshorter, the device will operate | incident tion is not critical and, in - 6 can be quelcon that. Anyway,co even shown of panel resonators plthis nothe latterbe-afterseen, the radiation is sufficient number corresponding TBPulmo,nary concentrated to a focal point to produce an image that isto-say 40,31776. in this case, as in the set. A connection socket for a night vi most cases, it is not necessary to use tor hand is planned dans housing 12 November resonators ofa game,although in cases but not shown in the drawings and eltis an extreme corresponding to a waveform very connected by a wire to the frame of the screen 63. This complicated can bedésirabthe. The resonators In nombreux cas,the camera will utilisée unplaced en side of a digit of the number corres in combination with a detector of the type mentioned sponding to disease remain in the 0. Then brought in the sentence précédente; this detector comprises a second series of cadrans resonators, an insulating block having on either side of the metal plates façis similar the to same number known corres lic and feuille rubber stretched on sponding to thedisease. upper metal plate which is connected by is then rotated the camera upto what a wire or point cable to which the radiation is igne median horizontal through theaxe of being detected, for example in a sleeves spiral is oriented in thedirection north-south connection mentioned above. The operator, the spiral being at theend. south This requires then finger on the rubber sheet, and is preferably the carried out in aliGnant the edge conve cross a very regular basis up to nable That the housing10, qui est parallel to the line mé resonance occurs. When the resonance pro diane. The sample,which can be advantageously Duit, the friction between the finger and the rubber a drop of blood taken from the subject and placed on increases, and the passage of doigt is accompanied with a piece of blotter paper, is then placed on an audible noise from that the rubber plates 34 of the compartment 15 to the Extremists is alternately released and driven. Obtained moth-eaten north of the camera, and introduced the taking of one this way a agreement. relatively precise hand detector in the appropriate socket. After the camera can be used in various ways turning on the vibrator is rotated after diagnosis to establish and nformatimation slowly bar 35 of that compartment to already available. Normally,it will be that the sensor indicates the resonance, then advantageous toadjust the settings for detection are rotated the sample on the plate 34 around and determining the location of a disease an axis vertical up to obtaining the reaction determined in a particularorgan.For example, maximum of the detector; it indicates then this orien if one wishes to discover if a subject is suffering from tuber optimum tion, for example by drawing an arrow pulmonaryculosis, the buttons 20 of the compartments pencil on paper with the sample in a 15 lies opposed to compartment containing the direction parallel to the side of the housing 10. Spiral are placed placed on the number or graduation then the sample on the plate 58 diagonally that corresponds to this disease of this organ away from the compartment containing the spiral, in cul; this disease is a waveform orienting in the same way this sample, and particularly one consisting of a number of connects the detector to the socket. corresponding components. In this case, the corresponding number is then adjusted contact of the spiral by pulmonary tuberculosis is 40.31776; this number turn the knob 48 until the maximum reaction is formed on the dials by slotting the sensor button, after having wedged the bar 55 in the left 20 of the row upper until its same position angular as the bar 35 , the index 30 comes in front of the graduation 40, then the second bar 35 having been arranged to bring the second button from the left of the same. the upper row in front of the graduation 3, then the sample is brought back on the first by bringing the third button from the left plate 34, and is connected the detector to the socket of the row upper in front of the graduation 1, correspondent housing 11, and then adjusts the screen 63 and then by causing the right-row Supé- by rotating the button 64 until finding higher in front of the scale 7, and then by causing resonance.the button left of the middle row in front of the device is then ready for taking the snapshot, and the scale 7, and finally causing the second bou is stopped the vibrators while comprises introducing a tone from the left of this row in front of the | photographic plate in the holder 60. graduation 6. The other buttons are the gra We then take a picture by operating duation 0. In any case, the number is marked again vibrators for a period appro placing the buttons across different figures requested, for example ten seconds whereupon constituting these, from left to right removed and was the plate developed the habi way firstly along the top row, thentual. along the middlerow, and finally along the results obtained by the apparatus and pro lower row. Under these conditions, Figure 8 | ceded described-above are remarkable. In first-mentioned, whether the subject on which we abstractionsed thesam-1 ple suffering from the disease for which the Senators reso were settled (in this case the tuber pulmonary culosis), we obtain on the plate devel oped a very clear image. But it is even more surprising to note that the shape of the image traced on the plate is that of the organ in question (in this case the lung), and that the position of the diseased part of this organ is represented on the image by a black mass whose opacity provides some indication of the severity of the disease. The dimensions and spacing of the various parts of the apparatus are determined by groping. ments, but it has been found that certain dimensions must be absolutely respected. The following dimensions have been found to give good results in an apparatus of the type described and shown: Box 10: Width of each of the compartments 15 and 17 measured from the panel 18 to the internal partition: 9.5 cm; Width of the north compartment, measured from the wall of the housing 10 to the inner partition: 18.4 cm; Width of the compartment 17 is, measured from the wall of the housing 10 to the inner partition: 17.1 cm; Width of the compartment containing the spiral, measured from the wall of the casing 10 to the inner partition : 17.1 cm; Length of the three compartments: 26.7 cm; Height of the three compartments: 19.3 cm; (All the above measurements are taken internally.) Horizontal spacing of the axes of the rods 19 of the resonators: 7.3 cm; Vertical spacing of the rod axes 19: 5.4 cm. Housing 11: Height of the upper surface of the bottom of the housing 11 relative to the upper surface of the housing 10: 24.1 cm; Horizontal inner dimension of the housing 11: 25.4 cm; Inside height of the case 11: 22.9 cm. The following table gives the numbers corresponding to certain common diseases which can be diagnosed by the apparatus: It should be understood that the invention is not limited to the particular construction described and repre sented, but that a large number of variants can be used. For example, the spiral, instead of being constituted by a coil of wire having a movable sliding contact along its length under the action of a radial arm, could affect the shape of a hollow cone having a telescopic spring arm able to stay in contact with the inner surface of the cone and forced to move so that its point of contact with the cone draws a spiral. On the other hand, it has been found that it is not possible to replace the spiral or the cone with a helix or a cylinder. But the spiral, whatever its form, must be in a non-magnetic material but not necessarily in metal; for example, it could be wood or plastic. It would also be possible to replace one or two sets of resonators by a similar spiral. In addition, the douze resonators of each set could be of a different form from that which has been described, and for example affect the shape of small tunable spirals by means of radial arms having sliding contacts, or still closed cylinders by movable pistons which serve to modify the natural frequencies of the cylinders to achieve agreement. The polaroid screen could be replaced by a device comprising nicols, preferably in combination with a magnetic lens, for example of the type which will be described below with reference to the embodiment of Figures 10 and 11. In this variant, the lower housing 10 is identical to that described above, and its different parts bear the same references. But here, the housing 11 and the pillars 12 are removed, and a different arrangement is used for the photographic plate. A light-tight plate holder 80 is mounted via a not shown movable support, so that a photographic plate 81 contained in the plate holder is in a vertical plane XY passing through the axis of the plate. magnetic rod 35 of the compartment 15 and perpendicular to and on one side of the adjacent west edge 82 of the housing 10, as shown in Figure 10. Two magnets 83, 84 horseshoe are arranged on either side of the holder. plate 80 with their opposite poles, the north pole of a magnet being placed opposite the south pole of the other. The light from a source 85 is directed on a set of nicols 86 placed above the top edge of the plate holder and which deflect a plane light beam polarized through the magnetic field of the magnets up to the plate door, in a direction approximately parallel to the plate. DISEASE NUMBER WHICH resonators is payable Pulmonary tuberculosis. Diabetes mellitus ....., Diffuse sclerosis ... Jaundice .. Parotitis. Pneumonia - 8 Supportholder-plate 80 allows it to be taking a set of at least three resonators capable moved s' towards or éloiGnant of have to be tuned independently on different mant 35 the along liXYgne until components of the waveform of the radiation; atteigne the desired position. e. Each resonator comprises a non-operating member, the controls of the magnetic, preferably elongate, box-pivoted, are adjusted in the same way exactly as in being able to rotate individually about an axis the case of the first embodiment described above. transverse horizontal, the pivot axes of demention, except that, preferably, the subject is pre all the resonators of a game being parallel; feel and place his finger on the plates 34 and 58, f. Each of the rotated members carries a contact place to use as a sample a drop of blood. The invention relates to a rotating device arranged in such a way as to engage with the device when the device has been tuned as described above: circular or curved coaxial fixed ring; above on the supposed illness that one wants to diagnose g. All resonators of a set are connected wince, a photographic plate is introduced by connections such as electric conductors in the plate holder 80 and takes a snapshot in tric ortirigidges to a mixing plate setting action the vibrators. The result is a commune; image formed on the plate of a part of the body h. The aforementioned connections are connected to the subject, this part depending on the distance of the fixed curved ring mentioned in f; . magnet plate 35 in the cavity 15. If the disease i. Each of the tunable devices is mounted in this part of the body, it will be represented in a separate compartment cavity forming cavity in the form of a black spot on the resonant image; from the sick part. j. Two of these devices are of the same type. Instead of the horseshoe magnets 83, 84, there are sets of resonators, while the third can use, to produce the magnetic field is of the type comprising a spiral; transverse, magnetic bars, or even k. A vertical magnet bar descends into one or more solenoids or electromagnets. each of the compartments listed in i and is rotatable about its axis, so as to take anySUMMARY positionyeargular desired; The subject of the invention is: I. The support for the sample associated with each apparatus for diagnosing a radiation source state comprises two metal plates, such as a disease, by searching for the radiation of particles placed on each side and side of the magnet supra damental one exchyearple, comprising a support at the top of the compartment, and the plates to a sensitive photographic material, two or each pair are preferably interconnected several sources of fundamental radiation which by a high frequency self; at least one includes a support for the sample . The sensitive photographic surface is located and each of which comprises a device sus in a horizontal plane, while the sources of ceptible to be granted according to the radiation radiation are spaced around a vertical axis, fundamental characteristic of the sample , at angular intervals of, for example, 900; oscillator to excite these devices, and moyens n. The means for directing the radiation melted to direct the fundamental radiation emanating from the minds include concave reflectors of the aforesaid sources on the photographic surface; placed so as to receive each radiation founded 20 Various embodiments of thisdevice spinning mental from one of the sources and the reflection having the characteris together or separately on the photographic material, each of the reflectors ticks following: tors preferably having a lens in front of a. At least one of the devices that are tunable to it and at least one of the reflectors having a fundamental source of radiation comprises before it a polarizing screen, for example a nonmagnetic conical spiral provided with a polaroid; sliding contact capable of being moved along 0. The polarizing screen may be manually adjusted by the spiral contacting any point about its axis; chosen from the length of it, and a bar p. The reflector in front of which is the magnetized screen arranged coaxially with and inside polarizing is associated with the spiral; spiral; q. The radiation sources are placed below b. The sliding contact is carried by an arm of the sensitive surface, while each radial reflector perpendicular to the axis of the spiral and capable is placed above it and the opposite side to turn around this axis while moving the vertical axis relative to the associated source; along the axis of the spiral in rotation so as to 1. The axis of each reflector in projection passes following the turns of the spiral; by the lower point of the vertical magnet bar C. The spiral affects the shape of a coil of wire; of the associated compartment or in the vicinity of this d. At least one of the tunable devices point; - s. The means for directing radiation founded mental comprises means for generating a magnetic field transversely cutting the photographic material and desmoyens for projecting a light beam transversely to this plane polarized magnetic field in the region of the photographic material; t. The magnetic field is produced by one or more permanent magnets between the opposite poles of which the photographic surface is located; U.The polarized light beam is produced by a set of nicols disposed in the vicinity of an edge of the photographic surface; v. A light-tight plate holder is arranged to support the photographic surface in a vertical plane on one side of one of the resonator compartments, the aforementioned vertical plane passing through the axis of the vertical magnet bar of this compartment. ; w. This plate holder is movable in the aforementioned vertical plane by moving towards or away from the resonator compartment; Two methods for using the apparatus described above, which are to set each set of resonators to the value corresponding to the state to be sought, to set the oscillators in operation, and to set the sample on the media associated with the first set of resonators, and then perform one or more of the following operations: a. Usingan appropriate resonance sensor, to vary the orientation of the sample until the maximum response of the detector 9 [1084318] place the sample in the same orientation on the associated support to the spiral and adjust it with the detector until the maximum response, adjust the polarizing screen using the detector until the maximum response, bring the sample s sonr its first support in the same orientation, insert the photographic plate in the active position after stopping the operation of the oscillators, put them back into operation for a suitable time to take the snapshot, and finally remove the exposed plate and develop it in the usual way; b. Using a suitable resonance detector, vary the orientation of the vertical magnet bar until the maximum response of the detector is achieved, adjust the second vertical magnet bar in the same orientation, place the sample on the support associated with the spiral and adjust it with the detector until the maximum response, bring the sample back to its first support, put the photographic plate in active position after interrupting the operation. oscillators, and adjust the position of the holder plate according to the body part of the subject to be examined, restart the oscillators for the time sufficient to take a snapshot, and finally remove the exposed plate and develop it in the way usual. GEORGE WALTER DE LA WARR.