Crystal technology knowledge from the Pleiades to open the vortex singularity within the crystal in order to imprint into the holographic matrix

The above image of Jen Han Eredyon represents a photo-realistic representation created by Elena Danaan

Jen Han Eredyon is a Pleiadian from the planet Erra who is called a star maker, or one who terraforms planets. He is studying these sciences at a university in the Pleiades and has an advanced understanding of the science of crystals and the holographic matrix of reality. He is the younger brother of Thor Han Eredyon, a commander in the Galactic Federation of Worlds and has communicated the following information through a secure military quantum communications device implant through their emissary Elena Danaan. N
ote that this is NOT channeled information, but rather direct physical communications.

The following information is from sections of the communications log of Elena Danaan with Jen Han Eredyon and Dan Willis that started in April of 2022.

I am truly honored to work with Elena Danaan, Jen Han and Thor Han Eredyon in sharing this empowering knowledge with the people of our planet Terra.

Dan Willis



Personal Notes from Jen Han and Thor Han

Jen Han:
I have something to say to this, first of all thank you Dan for performing this global training for humans of Terra, and to guide them towards their own personal power. I didn't know things were that concerning on your planet. I never truly wanted to interest myself into the events that are going on on your planet, and also, my brother was keeping me safe, away from this great battlefield. Did you know that I wanted to become a pilot and my brother forbade me to. I believe he wanted to preserve me from potential danger because he loves me. I watched the recorded training sequence with the crystals, that you did with Elena, and I liked it. My words were well and clearly transcribed. Also the information I gave you. Yes, I can say that I am happy with your production.

I know it (the video training) was effective, because the wording and the knowledge were right, so the impact on the planetary morphic grid was effective.

I didn't know how bad the situation was on your planet, Dan. I am glad that now, everything is taking the right turn and the good people of Terra made agreements with our Federation. One day I hope you will come and visit me in Manahu (the Pleiades).

Thor Han:
Dan is a good man. He came to bring knowledge to the people of Terra. He is a messenger who opens the ways.

It is us, Dan, who are grateful for your efforts and good will. We are working together.

Jen Han:
I am glad to work with him because he has the understanding.



In our communication exchanges, I learned from Jen Han why I may have this understanding and interest in this subject. Jen Han has access to devices that can read a person’s consciousness field and view their past lives, and he revealed to me that in the time of Atlantis that I was once a scientist and attendant of one of the crystal generators in the capitol city of Atlaa, and that my field of expertise was medical holographic science.

Atlantis illustration by Elena Danaan from her incredible book “The Seeders(Note that the night sky was added just for fun to the original artwork)





Tetrahedral fractal geometry is the secret of the universe
Natural Quartz Crystal
Geometry of Thought
Resonance with the Planetary Matrix
The reason why dissonant thoughts can not transfer in the matrix
Holographic geometry of matter, energy and light

Med Bed holographic fractal re-pairing
52 degree (51.843) angle of quartz acts as a transponder
The Eye of the Crystal
Vogel Cut Crystal
Dr Marcel Vogel's corroborating research with Jen Han's information
The phase-conjugation node that creates the vortex singularity within the eye of the Crystal
The Piezoelectric pressure to open the vortex
Clearing the Crystal
Gamma brainwaves open the vortices in the mind to be more effective
Methods of mental preparation to be operating in Gamma brainwaves
All living creatures on this planet are in inter-resonance with the ionosphere shell
Electrical Grounding of body to the Planet
Non-Electronic Method with the crystal
Synchronized breath and pressure
Focus your thought and energy into the wormhole vortex singularity of the crystal
Advanced Electronic Pulse stimulation to open the vortex singularity of the crystal
Crystal Position with 60 degree upwards
Pure Silver Electrodes placed on sides of the singularity point
20 Hz pulse for compression of the node to open the singularity vortex in the crystal
Geometrical frequency progression of the vortex horizon curve
Activating the vortex augmented by the use of a 1496 Hz sound frequency key
Send your intention with your breath into the crystal singularity point
Session Duration

Signal Generator Settings
Crystal Formation Notes Section
60 degree emitter angle in resonance with the holographic matrix
Phryll Generator Crystal
Phryll Generator Crystals on the Planet Erra
Beneficial Attributes of Phryll
How to Harvest Phryll
Phryll Exercise
Crystal Classes on the "Power of Crystals"







Tetrahedral fractal geometry is the secret of the universe

Tetrahedral geometry is one of the main frequency keys used to build worlds and life-forms. Tetrahedral fractal geometry is the secret of the universe.




Natural Quartz Crystal

The core holographic structure of quartz, the purest material in the universe, is based on the same core fractal formula than water, and both are inter dimensional bridges.

Crystals can store data just as water does, because constructed on the same fractal core formula, but crystals have way more capacities. Of course, they are the most elaborate state of matter. So elaborate that it naturally embeds consciousness.

A crystal is a bridge because it exists in all dimensions at a time.

Natural uncut crystals work when they are not altered, what I mean is no breaks and cracks in the angles. It must be complete. We visited an Altean craft recently, that is why I am visiting this star system, to learn more about their terraforming science, and the way they use crystals in their ships, notably. The walls in the common areas are made with natural crystals but these are impeccable, with unaltered angles. Otherwise they wouldn't bridge the densities.







Water... it is worth a great speech. Water is one of the fundamental elements of the universe. It is found in a natural state in the cosmos, as ice. We call it star water. Water has a tetrahedral holographic structure. It is a very easy one to create, but the star water is the most wonderful because it is in pure, in perfect resonance with the universe and Source, because directly created by Source. Water, by its natural core structure, is a universal connecting medium. Love is of a more complex holographic structure, but from the same fractal core pattern -fractal formula- as water. Crystal is a derivative geometrical pattern from water and love, but built on the same core formula. This is why all interface naturally.


The structure of water is universally resonant with all geometries
and can therefore form within it all of the major crystallographic forms





Geometry of Thought

Everything in the created universe is constructed on a geometrical holographic structure. “The energies of mind”: I like that it is worded as such, because there is a difference between this and the electrical brainwaves. The energies of the mind are fractals of consciousness “solidified”, in a way, or shall I say, that have taken form as a geometrical manifestation. A thought creates an electrical projection. An energy-thought reshapes the holographic geometrical formula of reality. It rearranges the micro-connections linking the fractal elements. Thought can reshape the holographic grid of reality because thoughts are complex geometrical patterns. The crystal will bridge the new pattern to the existing ones, and if the impulse is strong enough, the new pattern will force themselves onto the old and the old will morph into the new.






Resonance with the Planetary Matrix

“Planetary matrix” is a term used when we mention the conscious, living organic aspect of a planet.

Firstly, a quartz crystal, or any mineral is in resonance with the planetary matrix it is born from. When you bring your frequency-thought on the same resonance as the crystal, or any type of mineral, you attune also to its planetary matrix.

It works by mineral resonance. Your blood. It is easier when you are in a body envelop that is from same planetary matrix you desire to work upon. Otherwise you need to do an effort or require technology. But in the case of your friend, and yourself, you can do this easily because your envelops are from the same planetary matrix as the crystals you have available to work with. You take the mineral/ crystal in your two hands. It creates a current. Best is to have one in each hand but it works also with your two hands on one single crystal. Your hands must not touch. The current will work naturally. It is even better if you are in direct connection with the soil of the planetary matrix. You intend to make one with the planetary matrix. The crystal is the connector if you will. Quartz is best. Always works. Quartz is found throughout the whole universe. It is a fundamental component. You know you are in resonance when you feel it. It's like a shiver in your whole body, from your heart center. You may even hear the crystal singing the frequency of the planetary matrix.

Imagine a mycelium veil wrapping around a planet, it interconnects everything because it carries information, constantly, simultaneously and towards all points on the web. Well, a morphic grid is a medium that does exactly the same thing. It is sentient, but not as you can comprehend it. It is conscious should I say. When you plug into it, you are in connection with every living thing on the planetary matrix, simultaneously. It is a non-organic consciousness constructed with frequency patterns in the shape of repetitive fractal geometry. There is one single mathematical formula for the whole of it.

You can connect with all living beings of a planetary matrix only when you are in it. It still works when you are in space if the body you inhabit belongs to this planetary matrix. Then, wherever you are in the universe, even on other dimensional planes, you can attune to the morphic grid of the planetary matrix that is in resonance with your body. If I come to my brother's ship, here on orbit of your planet, I will still be able to attune to Erra, my planetary matrix. It is quantum resonance as you name it on Terra. Because of my DNA, you understand? The geometrical encoding of the blood I carry. It is a frequency match to the planetary morphic grid of my world. So the connection is never lost. Yes, it can also be called a geometrical resonance.





Breath carries memories and thoughts, it also carries the energy of a being, not only the encoding of its vehicle DNA but as well the encoding of the soul. When you project breath, you also project by superimposing, a parcel of the soul/being. Hence a fragment of one's consciousness. The energy force that is a living manifestation of Source is being impregnated inside the crystal

Short precise, surgical, powerful breaths are better than a long one. In a long one, the energy/intention gets absorbed by the Ether. In short quick breaths, the energy/intention keeps intact and doesn't lose intensity. I recommend short quick breaths, think about "precise surgical". Intention is like a needle: sharp and targeted very precisely to be able to penetrate matter.


Dr Marcel Vogel using pulsed breath



The frequency of love is the connecting pulse between all living things in the universe. Even through dimensional planes. Love is the universal bridge. It can bridge anything, I mean a-ny-thing, love is the tool. So when you intend love into a crystal, you activate its transcending capacity. When on the top of this action you embed a target by visualization, it bridges you to it easily. Love is a secure channel, because of the high frequency. It prevents dissonance. The target can be: a visualization inside the crystal of a place or a person, you can also embed a story by moving images or/and vocalization of the story, and you can either, also, embed just a sound: the name of a person or of a place. The more you superimpose layers, the better it is going to work. Repeat for the geometrical resonance. It will force the pattern into the holographic matrix.





The reason why dissonant thoughts can not transfer in the matrix

Dissonance cannot attune with an ordered state of geometrical resonance.

Dr Emoto's research substantiating that dissonance
can not attune to the geometry of the matrix as shown in water




Holographic geometry of matter, energy and light

Love is not only a frequency. Your people will learn that frequency is a holographic geometry. There are three types of holographic geometry: atomic, energetic and photonic. These three arrangements create each, in their domain, a hologrammatic structure. All three generate a specific frequency that will resonate either through matter, energy or light. The reverse process is also active: when you generate a frequency, it creates a geometric pattern that imprints the ether. The geometrical frequency patterns that you just created alter -or create- a holographic structure of matter, energy or light. Now you need a bridge from ether to matter, energy or light, and can be technology or crystals. Crystals exist in different densities at the same time. They are natural bridges.




Med Bed holographic fractal re-pairing

Some med-beds technology use fractal holographic technology. Let me explain. The fractal core formula of the tissue to repair is recorded, and the perfect unaltered geometrical pattern is reconstructed and superimposed on the damaged pattern. The old pattern instinctively pairs and morphs into the new one, because the universe tends to perfection. It is a holographic fractal re-pairing. Sound frequency is used to “tie in” the new pattern to the old one. You remember how I explained earlier, that holographic structures are constructed or either altered by frequency?





52 degree (51.843) angle of quartz acts as a transponder

This is a ratio that acts as a transponder. It is dynamic geometry. Some shapes, just because of their proportions, naturally affect the holographic structure of the matrix. We use this specific pyramidal ratio to build our Phryll generators. Because the geometrical structure of the central crystal, in a generator, will interface with the pyramidal ratio of the building or the machine harvesting its energy.

Not only harvester: transponder as well. The central crystal generates energy because the vortex if open.

It is activated by sound. Well to be more precise: by a frequency key shot at its compression node.

The most accurate is 51.843 angle degree. 52 is in your metrics a general ratio for interface and it corresponds to specific mathematics. You understand, there is a range of angles, such as 60 to 65 degrees, and 51 to 52, that work for the same purpose, with different applications. The ratio of the dimensions of this pyramid is the most exact as it corresponds to a universal value which is light. Geometry generates frequencies. I told you, remember: quartz, light, love, water, have the same frequency. A small crystal functions with a 52 angle.

As I mentioned to you previously, angles are adjusted for very big devices. Because of the bending gravitational field and electromagnetic field of the planet. A Vogel crystal the size of this pyramid should be 51.843 degree angle because it needs to be perfectly accurate, but very small crystals can function at 52 degree angle as it is less affected by these fields as much as the greater generators are. Although it is best they have this 51.843 ratio of course. Here also, you do not want to produce energy supply but affect the holographic grid using the eye of the crystal to crystallize then project a conscious thought.



Note that the exact angle is 51.843 degrees but is referenced as 52 degrees to abbreviate

52 degree angle of quartz crystal


52 degree angle of the Great Pyramid



52 degree (51.843) angle of the Great Pyramid and the relationship to Phi



52 degree (51.843) cutting angle of the Hyberbolic Cone representing the curvature of the space time of relativity yields a "Golden Egg" of Phi proportions




Geometrically the 51.843 degree angle is revealed in the following relationship of the flower of life


The Universal or Female end of a Vogel cut crystal is set at 52 degrees









The Eye of the Crystal


Authorized privileged information regarding the knowledge of the vortex singularity within the eye of the crystal

Dan asks (via Elena): In the quartz crystal hexagonal structure, the point of balance in the middle between the negative and positive triads (the polarity opposites) that create the crystals hexagonal form, is this center point the dimensional gate to all dimensions?

The answer is in the geometrical ratio. I need to ask if I can answer that, because this topic is part of the list of things not to mention. You know, the Prime Directive..

Elena: I know too well, Jen Han.

(a long silence..)

My brother (Thor Han) says I can answer this. It will just be recorded and archived that I passed on to you this information.

Elena: You won't be in trouble?

No, I won't. Crystals have their own fractal geometry. If they are in their natural original shape they have it active naturally. If they are cut roughly they lose it, but if cut following the lattice structure they keep it, and can even be enhanced considerably that way. Thor Han tells me that you know what type of crystals correspond to what I say.

Elena: The Vogel cut crystals? and Thor Han says Yes.

Well: it works by finding the phase-conjugation node inside the crystal, by projecting inwards the geometrical shapes of the two opposite points, like a mirror. There, is the vortex singularity of the crystal. Focus your thought and energy just there, and you may project your consciousness to anywhere you wish in this universe, and the other universes. To other densities, other dimensions. Anything is accessible in space, dimension and time. This is great power, Elena. It is a very important information. I am honored to be allowed to share this with you.

Elena: Can my friend share it publicly?

Jen Han: I am not taking this responsibility.

Thor Han: I have it confirmed that Dan can use this knowledge.




Vogel Cut Crystal

Question: Are the Vogel cut crystals significantly more powerful than a natural single quartz crystal points for doing this work?

Oh yes they are, if it is cut rightly. In perfect alignment with the grid of the lattice.

Natural raw quartz are of course effective, but the Vogel cut as you name them are a more surgical tool to operate into the fabric of space-time and universal consciousness.






Dr Marcel Vogel's corroborating research with Jen Han's information

Dan's Notes:

Dr Marcel Vogel was IBM's senior head scientist for over 27 years. He was a prolific inventor with over 140 patents. He created the first magnetic coating used in computer hard drives. Created the red and blue phosphors for color television. Developed liquid crystal systems used into today's displays, and much more.

He was a pioneer in man/plant communications which led him into the research of the interface of consciousness with quartz crystals and water which he researched extensively for 17 years. After leaving IBM he set up a fully equipped laboratory to measure and quantify the science of crystals and developed a method to amplify and cohere the energies of mind by forming a quartz crystal known today as a "Vogel Cut" crystal. The image came to him in a dream in the form of the tree of life to cut the crystal in a di-pyramidal form.

He trained dozens of medical doctors in using his developed technique utilizing the crystal with breath to alleviate various health issues in the higher energetic fields of the body and had great success. He was no doubt the first scientist of his caliber to pioneer the understanding of the energies of mind connected with the breath, quartz crystals, water and most importantly love.


Dr Marcel Vogel's years of research work fully substantiates the information shared by Jen Han Eredyon. Marcel of course had no idea that the way he cut the crystal with a 52 and 60 degree end angles created a phase-conjugation node within the crystal and just happened to be how cultures in another star system many thousands of years in advance from us here on earth were also forming their crystals for a number of advanced functions.






The phase-conjugation node that creates the vortex singularity within the eye of the Crystal

It is not male and female as biological terms but active and receptive. The two dynamics twirling in opposite directions create a phase conjugated tension that creates singularity in the hologram. A convergence of infinite power.

The singularity node is a bridge to alter the hologram of the universe. It is a small wormhole. The two spiraling molecular directions have to do with the power core of the crystal in its natural state, not its ability to transcend densities and anchor into the holographic grid of the universe, that works with the wormhole.

The singularity is in the vorticial center, not metric center. The two triads are not equidistant from the singularity nor symmetric either; because their ratio, and their distance from the epicenter, are determined by the different angles of inclination of the two points. It is not a physical node but an infinite singularity, which is different.

It is best measuring it but by feeling it directly you already interface. If you first find it by measurement, you still need to interface: “feel” it.

Repeating this important statement by Jen Han:

It works by finding the phase-conjugation node inside the crystal, by projecting inwards the geometrical shapes of the two opposite points, like a mirror. There, is the vortex singularity of the crystal. Focus your thought and energy just there, and you may project your consciousness to anywhere you wish in this universe, and the other universes. To other densities, other dimensions. Anything is accessible in space, dimension and time.

This is great power, Elena. It is a very important information. I am honored to be allowed to share this with you.




This is what you call Merkaba

This is like a machine that can create anything, this is great power. This science is used to create worlds.

The Merkaba or Star Tetrahedral structure is throughout our universe


The Piezoelectric pressure to open the vortex

There is a very precise, specific pressure that you can apply to quartz, that will activate the compression node and open the vortex. The energy produced can be tremendous. This kind of operation must be conduced knowledgeably and wisely.

The pressure must be performed perpendicularly to the structure of the lattice. The singularity is where is encoded information in the crystal.
This is what you want to compress for piezoelectric effect.

If you apply sharp quick pressures, it will stimulate the singularity and pierce through the hologram, you can then use the crystal as a tool to modify the hologram. You will “feel” the appropriate rhythm of pulsation.

You can also feel it with your mind, where the power center is. Your being recognizes it. It pulses faster than light, your body and being recognize this. They feel it.


The area where the pressure or electrical signal is applied to the crystal







Clearing the Crystal




The Crystal must be completely cleared before use

Beware, the crystal must be empty. This means: no residual emotional imprint, parasiting or charge. The crystal must be pure and clear from any form of energy, or consciousness even. I wouldn't say that at this stage, the crystal is really "empty", because it carries its frequency imprint, but I mean empty from anything that is not the original frequency signature of the crystal. In order to perform this action: embedding a fractal of your consciousness in a dynamic projection, into the crystal, the receptacle must be pristine pure. There are methods of purification I can tell about, the best is to run the crystal through a sound scan. You need instruments that create a high frequency sound, or trained persons can clear a crystal with their own consciousness. These individuals have reached a clear state of mind.

The clear state of mind is a mind with no parasitic thoughts. A mind a clear as crystal or pure spring water. A mind in higher frequency, content and in perfect harmony with the universe. You cannot clear a crystal with your mind if your mind is troubled; you will project your parasitic thoughts into the crystal instead!

The mind is enough, if you do not have technology, but your mind must be as clear as spring water and empty of any thought. Otherwise the clearing doesn't work; you just transfer other thoughts in the crystal.



Whatever method of clearing always couple with conscious intention

Do not underestimate the power of consciousness. It is the most powerful tool in the Universe. The wind of consciousness brushing through a crystal clears everything that doesn't belong to its original frequency structure. It clears also emotional imprints. Consciousness is the best tool you can find. All sentient beings are able to use that power. You only need to harness it. This is obtained by training. From the center of your being, in a dynamic expansion of your field of consciousness, use the visualization of a wave of pure bright light clearing the crystal. Everything is cleared.


Methods of clearing the crystal of previous imprints

Pulsed Breath Method: The mind must be totally clear to do this. Pulsed breath with intention to clear


Dr Marcel Vogel showing the pulsed breath method of clearing the crystal (Video)



Magnetic Eraser: A magnetic bulk eraser along with intention to clear

A powerful magnetic field can clear a crystal because it de-programs it. The crystal is then empty from any programming.

It (a magnetic bulk eraser) sounds like it can work. Good device. I like it better with the mind.

A Magnetic Bulk Eraser (Dr Marcel Vogel found it effective in clearing a crystal)




Is there a frequency we can project at the crystal to facilitate this clearing?

Jen Han: 4096 Hz


How does the 4096 Hz frequency clear a crystal?

Jen Han: This is a frequency rate that disassembles the bounds between the particles of lower frequency that are not in resonance ratio with a quartz lattice structure. It breaks them down, so the intrusive particles are vibrated out of the body of the quartz. The Quartz regains a perfectly balanced, geometrical absolute, state of resonance.




The 4096 Hz frequency must be exactly precise to clear the crystal

The frequency must be precise you understand, to disassemble the particle bounds. When you use frequencies, be exact.


The 4096 Hz frequency utilized electro magnetically for clearing

This approach using a electromagnetic field is less practical compared to using sound, but it does work. A coil form of copper wire wound clockwise is fed a 4096 Hz sine wave with an amplitude of around 20 volts with the crystal inserted within the coil.



A visual confirmation of the crystal clearing with 4096 Hz magnetic field

Elena Danaan had experienced an attack of dissonant energy which became absorbed within the quartz lattice structure had darkened of her Merkabah crystal she wears. Dan suggested that she reprogram her signal generator to a 4096 Hz sine-wave signal output and connect it to a magnetic coil, in which she put each of the 8 points of her Merkabah crystal for 10 seconds each into the center of the magnetic coil.

Elena happened to take a photo before and after clearing without changing the lighting in the environment. You can see the dramatic change from the crystal being darkened by the dissonant energy it absorbed in it’s lattice structure to being completely light and clear afterward.



The 4096 Hz Sound Frequency


Tuning Fork sound frequencies are measured to be off resonance

Measuring the frequency of common and expensive 4096 Hz tuning forks and found the frequency as much as 10 to 17 Hz off resonant frequency.




A mobile phone 4096 Hz sound generator audio app alternative?

Jen Han: not the best, my friend, but it works, hold it longer next to the crystal. You can place your crystal on your phone but at this condition: it must not be sending harmful electromagnetic radiations.

Note: Put phone in "Airplane Mode" so that cellular, WiFi and Bluetooth radiations are switched off.


Mobile Phone
Frequency Sound Generator Apps
Android - iPhone



Jen Han: There are methods of purification I can tell about, the best is to run the crystal through a sound scan. You need instruments that create a high frequency sound


A high frequency sound scan device for clearing engineered

In consideration that Jen Han has stated to use only the "exact frequency" in order to be effective, an associate electronics design engineer, Kent Noonan, decided to specially engineer into a small handheld sound emitting device using a precise crystal controlled oscillator that is typically within .005 Hz but is guaranteed to be accurate to within a frequency tolerance of 0.1 Hz which powers a piezoelectric sound transducer for total clearing of all imprints within the quartz crystal lattice.

Jen Han has said to use sound to brush closely over the 3 axes of the crystal without touching the crystal and while you are doing this to couple this with consciously visualizing the crystal being cleared.

Hold this device close to the crystal less than 1/2 inch away without touching the crystal to brush the 4096 Hz sound over the 3 axes of the crystal for about 10 seconds on each of the 3 axes. Move slowly for 5 seconds in one direction and then 5 seconds in the opposite direction, then rotate the crystal to face the next facet of the 3 axes of the crystal and repeat in order to completely clear the crystal. Total time should only take approximately around 30 seconds total to complete.


Two ways of holding the device. Since the sound emanates from the back near the
seed of life logo avoid having your finger between the device and the crystal



Device clearing effectiveness Special Report

Elena Danaan’s report on the crystal clearing device effectiveness
from Oona Emissary of the Intergalactic Confederation



Emissary of the Intergalactic Confederation

Elena Danaan:
Jen Han is too busy tonight, so Thor Han suggested I contact Oona.
I did. I got a telepathic contact and she was "with me" when I cleared the crystal with the device. She said the frequency is correct, despite a very fine error that doesn't affects the purpose at all. She said she felt the crystal was cleared to "base zero" and "invigorated". Not only it clears it, she said, but it also revitalizes the crystal and makes it operational for work. She said this is a satisfactory result and congratulates the maker of the device.


Version 2 with further design improvements:

Our associate engineer Kent Noonan was concerned about the "fine error" that Oona noted and made a further correction removing a slight distortion in the sinusoidal waveform to improve it, as Jen Han has said it is important that the sound does not have dissonance. So I requested if Elena could do a new report with Oona regarding this modification, to make sure it was still as an effective device to completely clear the crystal of all previous imprints as the first version was.

Elena's communication contact with Oona follows..

Elena Danaan:
She was available and I communicated with her via my pineal vortex so it is still a bit dizzy-spinning. So I asked her to give her opinion on which device was the most efficient to clear a crystal. I explained a little about the reason for my request, then I played the 2 devices one after the other and she had to pick which one was the most efficient. I didn't tell her which was which.

She asked me to play them not beside my ear but in front of my forehead (3rd eye area) that she can receive the frequency rate. I played at first the 2nd device (the most recent one). She said it was absolutely perfect pitch and "a great tool for removing the dark frequencies and etheric pollution in quartz".

At that moment, something interesting happened to me: I felt my pineal gland vibrating too! Oona said that it is composed of small crystals so that is why. She added that I could cleanse my pineal gland with that device.. wow! That's why it is still spinning as I am writing this. So the device 2 is perfect she said.

Then, I played the device 1 (the first one made by Kent). And she said the exact same thing as before: "Although this one has a little adjustment to be made, it is working wonders for clearing a crystal".

I asked her which one she preferred and she answered: "The first one (device 2) you showed me, with a slightly louder volume, although non-necessary. "

Here you go. Groundbreaking that we can also clear the pineal gland with that device... Trust me, try it.



Ordering is now available for the crystal clearing device:




For researchers who already have a signal generator and wish to experiment, here is an inexpensive 4096 Hz transducer that can be connected to your signal generator with a 6 foot long 50 ohm cable with a BNC to terminal block adapter that connects to the transducer wires. Set your signal generator to 4096 Hz using a 2 to 3 volt sine wave signal. Parts total to $21.

For mounting, you can zip tie through the hole tabs of the transducer to wrap around the BNC to terminal adapter to hold it in place. Optionally, you can also custom mount the transducer inside of a tube which you can cut in half for a type of hand held wand. I drilled two little holes on one end of the tube to run a zip tie to hold the cable secure inside the tube and cut the tabs off in order to insert the transducer inside the tube.





Gamma brainwaves open the vortices in the mind to be more effective

You can improve the effectiveness by preparing the people longer beforehand. It is good if they are in Gamma brainwaves before starting the work. Gamma brainwaves open the vortices in the person's mind and anything becomes possible. I know you do not have the technology but try find a way, maybe by meditation as you call it.

A deep inner state of awareness is required if you wish to improve the work.

Gamma waves (30 Hz-70 Hz) are the ones with the highest frequency and are related to the processing of visual, tactile and auditory stimuli. It is related to the speed with which we can remember moments, usually visual memories. The higher the gamma frequency, the faster it is possible to remember something that has been forgotten and more information can be stored in short-term memory. They are associated with increased mental activity, may include flashes of brightness, moments of extreme concentration and intuition. Sensation of love and kindness, attained by practitioners of Buddhist meditation, is only a self-induction of high-amplitude gamma waves. This state attained by meditation is expressed as a state of deep love for all beings


Methods of mental preparation to be operating in Gamma brainwaves

Dan's Notes:

Method A: Mind Meditation

Method B: Audio Binaural 40 Hz with headphones - Ref Ref Ref Ref

Method C: Visual 40 Hz light stimulation Ref Ref Ref

Method D: Magnetic ELF 40 Hz brainwave entrainment Ref Ref Ref


Brainwave Monitoring equipment:

Muse Brainwave Headset

Mind Monitor app - Video





All living creatures on this planet are in inter-resonance with the ionosphere shell




ELF Magnetic Brainwave Entrainment

The research of Dr. Robert C. Beck shows that the human brain is made up of long-chain molecules near liquid crystal boundaries that have a psychoactive window in which the brainwave will entrain and synchronize when in the vicinity of magnetic oscillations in the frequency range of approximately 3–20 Hz (and very possibly at 40 Hz as well) at intensities below 100 nT (nanoteslas) in less than 4 seconds of activation.

In researching of the brainwaves of Shamans around the world of different disciplines, Dr Beck discovered all of them when they were in their working state of consciousness that their brainwave pattern synchronized with the earths Schumann resonance in the frequency range of approximately 7.8 - 8.0 Hz and that the left and right independent hemispheres of the brain synchronized as one and increased in amplitude.

Based on this research, in order to supplement Gamma brainwave activity into the 40 Hz Gamma range, a small magnetic coil connected to the signal generator can be incorporated to facilitate this.

Dr Robert C. Beck - Pioneer in ELF brainwave entrainment research who I introduced to Marcel and did work with in brainwave entrainment in the 1980s Ref Ref Ref




If the planet's "brainwave" affects individual minds then can many minds affect the planet's brainwave?

In 1952, physicist W.O. Schumann postulated mathematically that our earth and ionosphere constituted a cavity waveguide whose physical constants and magnetic field would oscillate at a resonant frequency identical to the range of human brain waves. The instrumental recordings of these signal tracings were indistinguishable from encephalographic recordings from human brain waves.

This newly discovered phenomenon was dubbed the “earth brainwave.”

As Dr Robert Beck discovered that the brainwaves of Shamans synchronized with the so called "earth brainwave" of the planet of around 7.83 Hz. Could it be that the higher frequency gamma brainwaves of many minds together interfaced into the planetary matrix with crystals could influence the "earth's brainwave" known as the Schumann resonance and cause it to momentarily spike higher in frequency?



On June 12th 2022 Elena Danaan and Dan Willis did a youtube video with approximately 1700 live participates with their crystals to simultaneously imprint a vision of a positive timeline into the planetary matrix and a spike was recorded on the earth's Schumann resonance.

Dan: Do you think it is feasible that this spike was a result of this collective group effort?

Jen Han: Of course it had an effect. There is a ratio of population that needs to be gathered to produce a visible disturbance, and you did it that day. The brainwaves emitted by all living creatures on this planet are in inter-resonance with the ionosphere shell. If this ionosphere resonance shall change, all life on this planet would be affected. This is a topic I affectionate particularly because it is part of my work. Of course this process occurs naturally as well in the universe, as a natural law. When we make worlds suitable for receiving conscious life, we construct a series of layers around the planet, that we embed in its grid. Once it is integrated, it cannot go. All is held together with frequencies. All is inter- resonant. One tingle on the web ripples to the other side at a particle level. One affects the other: when your consciousness evolves, the frequency of your planet raises. That is how the inhabitants of a world can shift the density of their planet by themselves, by the simple power of their minds.



Electrical Grounding of body to the Planet

Question: Can you electrically connect your body using a ground wire to the earth?

Yes you can do that. With a wire. But I there are also other ways, such as anchoring your consciousness to the body of the planet.




Non-Electronic Method with the crystal

Natural single point crystals. Best to have one in each hand but also works with two hands not touching on a single crystal.

Natural crystal works but a Vogel type crystal is more effective

You take the mineral/ crystal in your two hands. It creates a current. Best is to have one in each hand but it works also with your two hands on one single crystal. Your hands must not touch. The current will work naturally. It is even better if you are in direct connection with the soil of the planetary matrix. You intend to make one with the planetary matrix. The crystal is the connector if you will. Quartz is best. Always works. Quartz is found throughout the whole universe. It is a fundamental component. You know you are in resonance when you feel it. It's like a shiver in your whole body, from your heart center. You may even hear the crystal singing the frequency of the planetary matrix.

This applies to natural crystals. If you have an especially powerful and pristine natural crystal, you can use this one alone with your two hands. Having one natural crystal in each hand creates a current. Think about electrodes.




Synchronized breath and pressure

I would recommend synchronized breath and pressure. I repeat, you do not need to go as fast as you can. Human soul and body are a different transponder. Find the rhythm that you feel works for you.

With fingers, pulse in synchronicity with your breath. The soul activates the vortex in the crystal by projection with the breath.

If you apply sharp quick pressures, it will stimulate the singularity and pierce through the hologram, you can then use the crystal as a tool to modify the hologram. You will “feel” the appropriate rhythm of pulsation. You can also feel it with your mind, where the power center is. Your being recognizes it. It pulses faster than light, your body and being recognize this. They feel it.”




Focus your thought and energy into the wormhole vortex singularity of the crystal

The vortices open holes in the holographic reality, allowing the anchoring of imprints. The singularity node is a bridge to alter the hologram of the universe. It is a small wormhole. The two spiraling molecular directions have to do with the power core of the crystal in its natural state, not its ability to transcend densities and anchor into the holographic grid of the universe, that works with the wormhole.

If you do not feel it with your mind, you are not connected to the crystal's central vortex. You need to have the connection if you want to imprint an intention into the planetary matrix. The new template of reality cannot bridge to the old, otherwise.

You affect the holographic grid using the eye of the crystal to crystallize then project a conscious thought.



Advanced Application Section



Advanced Electronic Pulse stimulation to open the vortex singularity of the crystal

Vogel cut Quartz Crystal requirements

Crystal must be cut so that the tips of both terminations are in perfect alignment with the C-axis (growth axis) of the crystal


52 degree (51.843) transponder end

60 degree sender end (60-65 degrees - 60.0 is best for smaller crystals)

The sender angle is 60.0 degrees for the small crystals you are using. The very big ones used in our generators can have 60 to 65 degree angle for the point, it works, although 60 is always best.


The crystal must be 6 sided so that the 6 sides are aligned exactly with the natural crystal lattice for maximum piezoelectric response when pressure or electrical signal is applied.

The condition is that the lattice is respected. If not cut in resonance but cut in dissonance regarding the lattice, the crystal will not harvest.



Crystal Position with 60 degree upwards

To imprint the morphic grid and alter the hologram, the 60 degree angle will point like a projecting beam to re-write the hologram. Yes it points upwards, aligned to the radius of the planet. This is important, related to the electromagnetic field and the bending gravity if it is a big crystal. Gravity bends light, so it affects also the toroidal field of the crystal. Some generators have the sharper point downwards for other reasons, but for the work you want to do, have it upwards.



Pure Silver Electrodes placed on sides of the singularity point

Crystal reacts with close-to-pure conductive metals. They ring the lattice.

Question: Based on the above angles of inclination that create the counter rotating vortices that converge to form the singularity point in the vortex center, the silver electrodes are to be placed on either side of this point of convergence. On Terra the metal element of silver is the highest conductivity, so we should use silver electrodes on the flat surfaces of the crystal?

Yes. We do not have silver easily accessible where I live, we trade it expensively or we make it. You have it abundant naturally on Terra. Silver is a metal that has a close radiance and frequency to light. This is powerful, my friend. Make sure it doesn't sing.


Crystal in vertical stand with 60 degree sending end pointed up with with pure silver electrodes on ether side of the compression node area

Elena's crystal supported by a hexagonal candle holder framework


20 Hz electrical pulse for compression of the node to open the singularity vortex in the crystal lattice structure

The metallic pulse can be induced by two small electrodes either sides of the singularity point.

The Pulsed signal is the most efficient but Rectangular works well also. Remember, sharper is always better. It can be faster than 20 pulses per second of course but 20 is a good vessel for consciousness. Do not forget consciousness.

This is a sharp, pulsated, repetitive pressure. 20 pulse per second with metallic technology. Faster will work as well but the harmonic frequency with quartz is 20 pulses per second.

To carry a human thought-form through the crystal's vortex to imprint the hologram, breath pulse works and singular 20 pulse works.

They stimulate the electrons in the atoms in the crystal, until it changes the charge. At each pulse, the charge will inverse. Under a continuous alternate pulse, the crystal will generate Phryll energy.

The Phryll comes from the singularity, that has opened. Crystal you name Quartz is in synchronized frequency with Source. So when you stimulate the singularity, you bridge to Source and you can draw energy from it.

The compression of the node by pulse, generates a piezoelectric effect, which can make the crystal sing as well if you misuse it. The vortex is used to bridge: creative thoughts, densities, and other things.

But be careful, you need not to perform this for too much a long time. It depends on the size of the crystal. There is a time/mass ratio that corresponds to the saturation point. Because there is a saturation point. After this point is passed, the crystal implodes. It becomes Light and transcends matter and density. It can be very harmful at this stage. So this is why we harvest Phryll and generate energy supply by sequences.

You have reached the ratio point when the crystal begins to sing. You hear a faint whistle, that becomes louder. You need to stop there.

At a certain level it opens the singularity vortex if there is an overload. The crystal sings. That is why the generators are not pulsed continuously but by periodically, by sequences. With a small Vogel crystal using the lateral pulse to open the eye, you can make the crystal sing if you pulse it for a long time, a very long time. You asked me this question already and the time depends on the size and the capacity of the crystal. You will feel statics before it sings. The small Vogel crystals used as such, are not dangerous. The big generators with the coils are.


More details on the "Reality Modulator" using this technology


Geometrical frequency progression of the vortex horizon curve

Do not forget consciousness. 21 also works. Also work for a single monotonic pulse: multiples of 20 such as 40, 80, 160, 320 and so on. Another method is progressively increasing pulses from 20 to 30 to 50 to 80 to 130 to 210 to 340. It is the geometrical measure of vortex's horizon curve. After 340, if you follow this order, the crystal can sing at 550. If you pulse directly at 550, it will not sing. What makes it sing is that you follow the order I gave you, from 10 to 550. but you don't need to do that. To carry a human thought-form through the crystal's vortex to imprint the hologram, breath pulse works and singular 20 pulse works. I sense an experimental mind in Dan.



* See signal generator settings below for delivering a sharp narrow 20 Hz pulse.



Activating the vortex augmented by the use of a 1496 Hz frequency key

My scale of frequencies differs from that used on planet Terra. We do not use the same scale of time so the numbers for the frequencies are different. Although, yes, you can broadcast sound frequencies. I will need to convert into your time scale. My brother Thor Han can do that now.

1496 Hertz of your scale. 644 Hertz, 587 Hertz. Chose the 1496 Hertz please. Works best, but not in direct contact with the crystal, it can breach it.

Send your intention with your breath into the crystal singularity point

Sit in front of the crystal that is wired for metallic pulse, and send your intention with your breath into the crystal, not touching it because your own body electricity will create a dissonance with the metallic wired pulse. You can couple both as I said. I hope the Terrans will understand.


Session Duration

You can practice until the crystal sings, but if you are sensitive enough, your will “know”. On your time frame and your density: a few minutes, not more than ten, should work. But you can continue until the crystal sings.



Signal Generator Settings

Dan's Notes:

15MHz DDS Signal Generator Model GH-CJDS66 or equivalent frequency generator


For 20 Hz Pulse Signal to Crystal on CH1

Select CH1

Press FREQ move < and > to adjust the frequency to 00’000’020.00 Hz

Press WAVE and change to Pulse

Press DUTY and using < and > change to 00.1%

Press AMPL and using < and > change to 15.000 V

Connect the output of CH1 to the two silver electrodes on the crystal


This is what the very sharp narrow pulses going to the crystal look like..

Your Signal Generator display should look like this for CH1







Crystal Formation Notes Section



This section is based on the communication notes with Jen Han Eredyon on the formation of the cut Quartz Crystal.

Much of this matches what Dr Marcel Vogel originally developed as a "Vogel cut" crystal with some additional insights of other aspects of the crystal from a civilization thousands of years ahead of our technological understanding. This could even be called a Vogel/Eredyon cut crystal to reference these extra considerations given by Jen Han Eredyon.

Formation Basics:

Crystal must be cut so that the tips of both terminations are in perfect alignment with the C-axis (growth axis) of the crystal


Note the following termination angles are exact but can be approximate and still functional

51.843 degree transponder receiving end

60.000 degree emitter sending end

Why 60 degree angle?

"It is because the sender angle must be in resonance with the geometry of the holographic matrix that is the receiver."


Note: The tetrahedral hexagonal formation of the matrix is related to the square root of 3 (1.732)



Why the 52 degree (51.843) angle?

This is a ratio that acts as a transponder. It is dynamic geometry. Some shapes, just because of their proportions, naturally affect the holographic structure of the matrix.


Note: The 51.843 angle slope is related to the square root of Phi 1.618 (1.272)



Sides must be aligned with the Hexagonal Core

The crystal must be 6 sided so that the 6 sides are aligned exactly with the natural hexagonal crystal lattice core for maximum piezoelectric response when pressure or electrical signal is applied.

Note: This is a critical consideration and is not normally considered in a standard 6 sided Vogel cut crystal



Crystal Size

When the proportions are perfect, it will work no matter the size, but the greater the size, the more Phryll it can harvest and transpond. It is a question of capacity.

Inclusions in the Crystal Lattice

Avoid inclusions the vortex area. Inclusions have their own signature frequency. It alters the pure nature of quartz. It gives to them a flavor, if you prefer. You don't want that.

The red disc is the area of the vortex



Length to Width Ratio

One third of the height (length) for the width is in general a reasonable ratio, but I have a preference for longer crystals, as you can have a good balance in the properties of the crystal.

Note: This is not a critical measurement but rather the minimal length ratio recommendation for the generation of Phryll, so the crystal can be longer. If the crystal is shorter it will still be effective at producing the vortex but not for Phryll generation.

Phryll Generation and shaft length

You want the dynamics of the piezoelectric field to be directed upwards in order to generate a movement within the shaft of the crystal. The longer the crystal is, the faster the Phryll will circulate and in consequence, more powerful will be the energy created. It is a matter of debit. From bottom to top.

Straight or Tapered Sides

All works, it doesn't affect the vortex. When you increase the tapering towards the sender end, you induce an acceleration in the piezoelectric currents. The perfectly straight and vertical crystals have a beauty of their own, they are fascinating. Don't you think? I find they have great power in stabilizing the currents. They can reflect and mirror reality. They have a beautiful stillness to them.

It depends on what on want to do with the crystals. The tapering accelerates the electric flux and it is a good tool to project Phryll, into a healing operation on a body for example. Not necessary when working with the vortex to alter the hologram. Tapering or not, doesn't matter in this last case. Straight sides are mirror crystals. The reflect and amplify any thought you place in it. They are also good for storage. The fields are stabilized.

Straight and Tapered cut Crystals




Multi-faceted beyond 6 sides

I asked Jen Han the question... Does increasing the number of facets of a multi-faceted Vogel crystal yield greater amplification as Dr Marcel Vogel assumed?

Jen Han:
No. It will magnify the healing power by radiance, the crystals that are multifaceted to an extreme are transmitting life energy by radiance but they are not the most effective when opening the eye of the crystal, because the dynamics is lost. You need to respect the structure of the lattice, and always cut in perfect ratio with its hexagonal core structure. The efficient shape of these crystals do not only concern the correct degree of the two pyramidal extremities, but as well the lateral ratio: the facets. Everything must be in harmony with the core lattice. Vertically, and laterally.

Every crystal work for healing, whatever the shape, because quartz does what quartz does: it realigns the atoms in an ordered state of matter, then transcends it. When you use a quartz that is cut following its lattice, it becomes a precise, powerful surgical tool. As I said previously, the 6 sided ones are the most efficient for most of the work. A greater number of sides works for healing only, because it is not about the shape anymore, but about the very nature of quartz. That is why I previously told you that the Vogel cut crystals were more efficient at 6 sides, for everything, but the greater number of sides only work for healing. And clairvoyance as well. Not because its shape anymore, but because of the properties of quartz. It will always be better than raw quartz, but when there are so many sides that it becomes a faceted cylinder, there is no point.

It is not worth investing more currency (money) into a greatly faceted crystal, a 4, 6, 8 and 12 matter. The more efficient is 6 sided. You will always have a more powerful effect when the crystal is cut following the C-axis, but it is best using the numbers I gave you.

Too much facets lose the focus of the beam, the lattice of the crystal is too much interfered in its dynamics. As I was saying, they are healer crystals, but compared to a near-cylindrical shape dynamics. The more it tends towards it, it loses its power. 4, 6, 8 and 12, even 24, works. Afterwards, the vortex effect decreases.

Examples of a 4, 6,8 and 16 sided Vogel cut quartz crystals







Phryll Generator Crystal



The Phryll Generator Crystal is technology that is used on the Planet Erra. A crystal cut to the Vogel/Eredyon specifications is wrapped with two coils that are perpendicular to each other at 90 degrees. Copper wire for the electromagnetic field is wound clockwise and Silver wire for the etheric field is wound counter-clockwise. It is important that the spacing between the wires be at least equal to twice the diameter of the wire of each coil to create the torsion field. The two coils are pulsed alternately that are 180 degrees out of phase at a frequency of 4096 Hz. This creates a torsion field to open the vortex eye within the crystal lattice structure which releases the Phryll.

There is a time/mass ratio that corresponds to the saturation point. When the crystal reaches this saturation point it will "sing" (as mentioned previously). After this point is passed, the crystal implodes. It becomes Light and transcends matter and density. It can be very harmful at this stage. So this is why on the planet Erra they harvest Phryll and generate energy supply by sequences. So this must be monitored for the singing sound or the torsion fields must be periodically disengaged and sequenced to not allow saturation.


Research on the Phryll Generator Crystal is currently ongoing. Updates with new revisions on the construction instructions for the Phryll Generator Crystal will be posted as we continue to learn more from Jen Han to optimize the Phryll generation output in updated versions which you can find here..


Illustration by Elena Danaan from her book "The Seeders"




Illustration by Elena Danaan




Phryll Generator Crystals on the Planet Erra

On my homeworld, we have power generators such as those you know from Atlaa.
I wish I could converse with you directly from face to face, how exhilarating it would be.

Anyways, on Erra, we do have central power plants. Pyramidal power plants with a tall natural crystal in the center core. The Phryll harvested is collected in the top of the pyramid and resonated, or you may understand better the term “teleported”, to smaller devices, that we name secondary generators. These transpond the Phryll for and towards the power web of our cities. In countryside settings, each house can choose to own a small replica of the big pyramid generators, or we can either have a generator that supplies a whole community. That is how we have organized where I am coming from, Edora-Ur in the Nardaryen valley. We are relying upon a community generator on the hill above the valley. It supplies power to all the habitats. This is stable and greatly efficient because of the lake. The water. Phryll generators are always near water. Our sister works as an attendant, she is part of the maintenance team. It is more of an occupation for her.

Shaya Eredyon a temple generator attendant and technician on Planet Erra
Thor Han and Jen Han’s elder sister





Beneficial Attributes of Phryll


Jen Han:
Always use Phryll generation for beneficial purposes. Otherwise I am in trouble here. My brother monitors and records all our conversations. However, I am told that you can share all of what we have been talking about with the other Terrans, it is time they know.

Phryll charged water, water that has remained in the proximity of a Phryll generator crystal core device, changes its geometrical structure but it is temporary. Water has a property that we call geometry elasticity. After a variable amount of time it reforms to its original structure. In the meantime, you can use this water to feed other living forms as long as it is kept within a glass container that insulates it from the universal bio-field. In an open air recipient the Phryll will not stay forever.

This water heals, it can re-pair disharmonics in the body and give you back joy and determination when you most need some. It extends youth.

Plants and other biological life-forms such as humans naturally feed of Phryll that is present in the surrounding ether, as you call it. Increasing the Phryll supply has not only an energizing effect; it also heals. When there is a wound or a disease, Phryll level is weak.

When you set the two serpents free to dance around the crystal, they create the very essence of Source: Phryll. This is a reproduction of the great creation. This is powerful, my friend, and it is unlimited and it is free. It is not only about crystals, it is about so much more, it is about everything. Once you understand this, you are free.





How to Harvest Phryll


The Phryll from Source is the most powerful energy you can ever imagine to harness. Of course, when the singularity of the vortex is triggered in the crystal, and when it bridges to Source, Phryll comes from it. If it is not harvested it will radiate outwards and propagate in the ether around in a halo. Reached a certain point of saturation, the crystal may sing. You know what this means. When you hold with your bare hands the crystal that is surrounded by a halo of Phryll, it regenerates your cells by invigorating and strengthening the bounds between the particles that compose it. But you know, you can do it yourself without the help of a crystal. You can harvest Phryll by yourself, in a more natural and safer way. Your DNA is composed of micro vortices, that you can activate with your consciousness. I can show you how to do this, it is simple but it requires a lot of practice. Once you complete this training, you can feed from Phryll and you need little food. You still need food of course to sustain your bodily envelop. Anything you will eat, will be several times more efficient, because the nutriments as well will be invigorated as soon as they enter your auric field. It will keep you healthy longer. If you wish to use crystals to extend your life expectancy, there are two ways: the natural way and the technological way, with the healing pods. You call them med-beds; those who work with crystals and water


First of all, you know about the method that consists in imprinting a younger and healthier template into the holographic pattern of your envelop, using consciousness. Harvesting Phryll to nourish and invigorate your cells is a different thing. You need to isolate yourself from mental disturbance and connect intuitively with the particles of Phryll present all around you. Or coming from an activated crystal if you will. It is better of course. But you can do it as well with the existent particles of Phryll present naturally in the ether around you. When you see them with your mind's eye, like a shimmering living dust, you can harvest them with the power of your thought. Absorb them. It is best to do it outside in open atmosphere, in the light beams of your star. Bare feet on the naked soil even works better because you create a current of energy with the planet and what circulates through you is quite powerful and regenerative. Simple, isn't it?

I will tell you this: you need this technology at this point in time, because it is more effective than what you bodies are, in average, able to do. But please know this: in a greater knowledge, you do not need this technology because your bodies are purveyed with natural abilities that can do that. You can literally project an electric field through the ether, with the simple power of your mind. Please make sure to tell Terrans to whom you will show this simple technology, that it works as well without this technology, as we spoke before, using their consciousness carried by the breath, and the pulse of their fingers. Of course, technology helps greatly.



Phryll Exercise


The following Thor Han says that this Phryll harvesting technique is part of the "Dorm Dorhu", their ET "yoga" practice

I ask, when feeding from the Phryll. I am assuming it will assist regeneration and help to alleviate disease and deterioration of our Terran envelops?

It does. All is about reconnecting the Hydrogen links between the chromosomes' intra elements. This is a question that is exciting, because I am learning this onboard the Intergalactic Confederation ships. DNA can be transmuted into a stable state of auto-regeneration, once you unlock the blocks that keep the strands disconnected from the morphogenetic field of the universe. Longitudinal frequencies can do this, but your mind also can.


If you know how to harvest Phryll it can reconnect these links within your body, with work and patience. Gamma brainwaves are the first step. Then once you have secured and protected your energy field, you consider your body as a crystal. Don't mind your legs, sit on the ground with your back perpendicular to it. What matters is the trunk from crotch to top of the skull. Open your lower energy wheel (chakra) and create an electro-magnetic current that will flow upwards. When the current meets with the central vortex (heart), it will activate it. It is by this vortex that Phryll enters. Work your breath just as you do for a crystal: short sharp pulsations, directed inwards into the heart vortex (it slightly compressed your sternum at each pulse). This harvests Phryll.

Visualizing increases the result. As the dynamics of the electromagnetic current already flows upwards through your energy centers, it will drive the flow of Phryll and Phryll will start to enter also via your lower base center (root chakra). I tell you why, as I just said that Phryll only enters through the heart central vortex: because when the Phryll is harvested by the heart vortex, it will be caught by the electromagnetic dynamics flowing upwards and it will adopt the dynamics of your human natural electromagnetic toroid field.


As such:

Heart vortex>>> upwards>>> out through top of the skull>>> cascading down on the sides following the toroidal field construct>>> re-entering through the base energy vortex>>> up again..

You build up your energy and you become a generator. Because you are not a crystal, you do not saturate harmfully because nature is great: the excess of Phryll will be spread out into the Aether. Unless you want to harvest it into a device.

The hydrogen bonds will be re-paired. Do it regularly to obtain results.



A variation of the above Phryll exercise augmented with crystals

The following is a seated variation which Jen Han approved of. In this position you are sitting up straight in a seated position, where you draw in Phryll from an activated crystal emanating Phryll into your left hand while you are pulsing your breath and visualizing Phryll being projected from the crystal in your right hand into your heart vortex. Visualize this influx of Phryll to be feeding the upward toroidal flow being fed from your heart vortex and is circulating upward from the base of your spine up to the top of your head and back down again, continually repeating the cycling of this toroidal energy flow. My exercise duration performing this averages 3 to 5 mins total.





Crystal Classes on the "Power of Crystals"


The following crystal classes presented by Elena Danaan, Jen Han Eredyon and Dan Willis with acknowledgement of the pioneering crystal research of Dr Marcel Vogel


Crystal Classes





"When you intend love into a crystal, you activate its transcending capacity"

"Dissonance cannot attune with an ordered state of geometrical resonance"

- Jen Han Eredyon