How to Modify the Holographic Matrix of Reality with a Crystal



The Gift:

Jen Han Eredyon is a terraforming scientist from the planet Erra in the Pleiades, of which I've had the great honor to exchange communications with via a quantum communication implant within my dear friend Elena Danaan, who is the emissary for the Galactic Federation of Worlds. In our communications we were given some very privileged information that was normally not allowed to be shared according to the Prime Directive. Jen Han's older brother, Thor Han Eredyon, was able to acquire authorization through the Galactic Federation of Worlds high command to receive this gift of knowledge of the vortex eye within the crystal that could modify the holographic matrix of reality, and I am grateful to be allowed to share this information with the people of Terra.


Jen Han Eredyon
A Pleiadian scientist from the Planet Erra

Jen Han once said to me...

"I was told that the mission you have chosen consists in teaching the Terrans how they can change their reality. You always knew this. Teach them how to activate the vortex, and how to modify the holographic matrix"

So I present to you the following instructions:




The Structure of the Holographic Matrix

Mental Preparation

Love transcends the densities versus a dissonant thought

Crystallizing the target visualization into the matrix

Pulsed breath projects the patterns of mind into the vortex

Using the Crystal as a tool

Using your fingers to open the vortex

Using electronic pulses to open the vortex

Communications Log excerpts from Jen Han Eredyon



The following information is primarily based on the information received from the communications log with quoted excerpts from Jen Han Eredyon
These selected quotes are prefaced with Jen Han: before the quote.


The Structure of the Holographic Matrix:



The fractal holographic matrix consists of an infinite number of dimensions or universes in the multiverse. We are currently in one of these dimensional spheres. Each dimensional sphere has multiple densities that are related to consciousness that emanates from Source, of which we are all a fractal of. The physical reality precipitates from Source which is the origin of all beings and matter.

Source is dual in nature and creative. Since each of us are fractals of source, we are also dual in nature and creative and have the ability to create and change reality.

In our particular dimensional sphere of reality, Source projects itself in 12 densities. These could be thought of as harmonics or octaves on a scale of frequencies. Each density emanating from Source into physical manifestation has a frequency or rate of oscillation which is associated with a geometry and a level of consciousness.

The higher densities create the lower or sub densities down into physical manifestation. The lower densities, could be visualized symbolically as in this below illustration are in the outer hub of 12 concentric circles, with the 13th in the center being Source. Therefore what is affected or formed at a higher density affects the formation of the lower densities. The lower densities do not affect or form the higher densities. Know that there is no separation in all the densities from Source, as they are emanations from and are Source.

Source is at a level of perfection, and the universe tends toward this perfection. The higher a being's consciousness goes in density, the more that being resonates more with this perfection and with love.

As conscious beings in this dimension, we evolve through love, as love is connecting pulse between all living things and bridges us from the lower densities into the higher densities closer to Source.

This is what a being, which Elena Danaan identified as a Emether, conveyed to me in 1977 as he projected a sphere in space, the sphere you could say represented Source, which wherein the various nested geometries formed within that sphere representing the various frequency densities and consciousness levels we evolve and transcend through with what we term love.


An interaction in 1977 with an Emether being regarding the geometry of the matrix

In 2024, I learned from Jen Han Eredyon, that this Emerther initiated this contact in 1977, and is part of a science transfer program to our planet Terra. The Emerther provided me at that time with a science understanding so that in the future I will be able to understand the science that will be given to me to pass on to the Terrans.


Love is the highest frequency and connects directly with Source. The reality we are conscious of, is within the density frequency we have evolved to. Whereas in actuality, we are the totality of all the geometrical frequency harmonics within the sphere, as is everyone else, as we are all fractals of this one Source, but we are only conscious of the density level we have evolved to.

In all the spheres of dimensions or universes, each with their various densities, exist the elements of space and time. In between these dimensional spheres exists the void.

The void operates outside the spheres of dimensions, densities, space and time and is connected to all the dimensions and their various densities. Therefore anything that happens within the void affects everything.

Source is dual in nature and creative, since each of us are fractals of source, we are each also creative and can create and change reality.

When consciousness interfaces with the singularity of the void, it can imprint a vision of a reality that we can imagine, this is especially effective when you intend love with the visualization imprint, because love allows the imprint to transcend the densities, as love prevents dissonance, as the matrix is in an ordered state of geometrical resonance, of which dissonance can not attune to. The inability of a dissonant pattern to resonate will thus cause the pattern to dissipate in time and will be unable to take form in the matrix.

The geometry of a quartz crystal is a bridge between all the densities because it's geometrical structure is resonant with the frequencies of all the densities.

It is within this singularity point of the vortex within the crystal that connects to the void, that a conscious thought can be crystallized. When a conscious thought is imprinted into the singularity of the void it will persist into manifestation.





Mental Preparation:

Gamma brainwaves open the vortices in the mind to be more effective

Jen Han: You can improve the effectiveness by preparing the people longer beforehand. It is good if they are in Gamma brainwaves before starting the work. Gamma brainwaves open the vortices in the person's mind and anything becomes possible. I know you do not have the technology but try find a way, maybe by meditation as you call it.

Gamma waves (30 Hz-70 Hz) are the ones with the highest frequency and are related to the processing of visual, tactile and auditory stimuli. It is related to the speed with which we can remember moments, usually visual memories. The higher the gamma frequency, the faster it is possible to remember something that has been forgotten and more information can be stored in short-term memory. They are associated with increased mental activity, may include flashes of brightness, moments of extreme concentration and intuition. Sensation of love and kindness, attained by practitioners of Buddhist meditation, is only a self-induction of high-amplitude gamma waves. This state attained by meditation is expressed as a state of deep love for all beings

According to neuroscientists, people can train themselves to increase their gamma frequency. In fact, by focusing on compassion and love, we can increase our gamma output. Gamma brainwaves are facilitated when a person is in the state of unconditional loving-kindness and compassion which is described as an “unrestricted readiness and availability to help living beings.”

Methods of mental preparation for Gamma brainwaves

Method A:
Meditation Ref Ref Ref

Method B: Audio Binaural 40 Hz with headphones Ref Ref Ref Ref Ref

Method C: Visual 40 Hz light stimulation Ref Ref Ref

Method D: Electromagnetic ELF 40 Hz brainwave entrainment Ref Ref Ref


Jen Han: Consciousness is carried on the vessel of brainwaves, just as it can be carried by the breath. That is why I told you to produce Gamma brainwaves, because it is the only way your consciousness can affect the Ether and the holographic matrix. When you focused your thoughts into the crystal you used Gamma brain waves to imprint your thoughts and desires into the matrix of reality.

Jen Han: When you are familiar with this activity, you do it without crystal. But why not use these tremendously powerful tools at our disposal! The universe is filled with gems for us to pick. Source provides the tools that we need. Always. You can use technology to create Gamma brainwaves and the tuning forks (Audio Binaural) Elena has are effective too. Yes it is not necessary touching the crystal while you perform the brain translation into Gamma. Then the brainwaves will propagate through the ether into the crystal, through the lattice, with purity, clarity and efficiency. Know that the skin shares chemicals and when a physical connection is made with the crystal, the power of consciousness will interface. Firstly, produce the Gamma brainwaves.


Love transcends the densities versus a dissonant thought

If you wish to modify the holographic matrix, and your intention is of a benevolent nature based on love, then due to the high frequency it will prevent dissonance and allows your imprint projection to transcend the densities of the matrix and into manifestation.

If your intention is not love based, or one of ill intent, then due to the dissonance of not being aligned with Source, the imprint pattern will dissipate and be ineffective as it's geometries are a distortion and do not align with the fundamental structure of the matrix.

A dissonant thought, due to the inability of the imprint pattern to resonate with the geometrical structure of the matrix is demonstrated in Dr Emoto's research, where the inability of dissonant thought patterns to take form is revealed in the crystallization of water, which like quartz, water is also an interdimensional bridge which mirrors it's environment. Love is the universal bridge into the matrix.

Jen Han: Dissonance cannot attune with an ordered state of geometrical resonance.


Crystallizing the target visualization into the matrix

As we are each a fractal of creative Source, we create according to what we believe is. It is important that you have confidence in knowing this fact, as you will manifest accordingly. The combination of your imagination of your mind to visualize that which you wish to manifest, along with the feeling in your heart of what it feels like having that which you wish to manifest having already manifested, creates that reality to anchor that imprint into the matrix. Here is one example of a vision to imagine.

Jen Han: The energies of the mind are fractals of consciousness “solidified”, in a way, or shall I say, that have taken form as a geometrical manifestation. A thought creates an electrical projection. An energy-thought reshapes the holographic geometrical formula of reality.

Jen Han: The target can be: a visualization inside the crystal of a place or a person, you can also embed a story by moving images or/and vocalization of the story, and you can either, also, embed just a sound: the name of a person or of a place. The more you superimpose layers, the better it is going to work. Repeat for the geometrical resonance. It will force the pattern into the holographic matrix.


Jen Han: Thought can reshape the holographic grid of reality because thoughts are complex geometrical patterns. The crystal will bridge the new pattern to the existing ones, and if the impulse is strong enough, the new pattern will force themselves onto the old and the old will morph into the new.

Jen Han: The geometrical frequency patterns that you just created alter -or create- a holographic structure of matter, energy or light. Now you need a bridge from ether to matter, energy or light, and can be technology or crystals. Crystals exist in different densities at the same time. They are natural bridges.



The Planetary Matrix of Terra


The morphic grid of the planetary matrix of Terra is in resonance with the DNA frequency of our Terran envelops (our bodies) and the quartz crystals that grow on Terra are also entwined with the frequency of this planet. Thus through resonance, with our bodies and the crystals of our planet, we can effectively effect it's morphic grid.

Jen Han: You can do this easily because your envelops are from the same planetary matrix as the crystals you have.

Jen Han: When you plug into it, you are in connection with every living thing on the planetary matrix, simultaneously.

Jen Han: When you bring your frequency-thought on the same resonance as the crystal, or any type of mineral, you attune also to its planetary matrix.

Jen Han: It is even better if you are in direct connection with the soil of the planetary matrix. You intend to make one with the planetary matrix.

Jen Han: Having your feet on the ground of the planet is the best way to interface with the planetary matrix but if you stand in a building on this planet, you are also interfaced with the planet because you are within its grid.


Dan: As an option for electrical connection to the planet, you can also use a ground wire connection from an electrical outlet to a ground pad to place your bare feed on which will give you an electrical connection to conduit your body energies into the earth.



Pulsed breath projects the patterns of mind into vortex

When you are ready to project and crystallize a conscious thought into the crystal to affect the holographic grid using the eye of the crystal, at the moment the imprint in your mind is fully formed and ready, take a deep breath, and in sync with your intention to imprint into the matrix, rapidly pulse your breath through your nostrils as you project that imprint into the eye of the crystal.

If you are holding the crystal in your hand, synchronized your breath pulse with a sharp squeeze across the area of the eye of the crystal to open the vortex piezoelectrically. If you are using electronic pulses to open the eye, you will not be touching the crystal and only using your breath pulse, as the vortex will be kept continually open.

Jen Han: Breath carries memories and thoughts, it also carries the energy of a being, not only the encoding of its vehicle DNA but as well the encoding of the soul. When you project breath, you also project by superimposing, a parcel of the soul/being. Hence a fragment of one's consciousness. The energy force that is a living manifestation of Source is being impregnated inside the crystal.

Jen Han: Short precise, surgical, powerful breaths are better than a long one. In a long one, the energy/intention gets absorbed by the Ether. In short quick breaths, the energy/intention keeps intact and doesn't lose intensity. I recommend short quick breaths, think about "precise surgical". Intention is like a needle: sharp and targeted very precisely to be able to penetrate matter.

Jen Han: With fingers, pulse in synchronicity with your breath. The soul activates the vortex in the crystal by projection with the breath.

Jen Han: To carry a human thought-form through the crystal's vortex to imprint the hologram, breath pulse works and singular 20 pulse (electronic pulses) works.




Using the Crystal as a tool

In order to create the singularity vortex within the crystal, the crystal needs to be cut and formed following the guidelines that Jen Han has given.

Jen Han: It works with any kind of quartz, at the condition that the lattice is respected. If not cut in resonance but cut in dissonance regarding the lattice, the crystal will not harvest. Natural raw quartz are of course effective, but the Vogel cut as you name them are a more surgical tool to operate into the fabric of space-time and universal consciousness.

Crystal Requirements:

Respecting the lattice structure means that the crystal is cut so that the termination ends are in alignment with the growth or c-axis of the crystal vertically and that the 6 sides are cut in alignment with the hexagonal core of the lattice structure.




The end terminations needs to be 52 degrees (51.84) for the transponding or receiving end, and the emitter or sending end needs to be 60 degrees to interface with the tetrahedral fractal geometry of the matrix.

The vortex forming area of the eye of the crystal needs to be free of any quartz inclusions.

The horizontal discoidal area where the vortex forms must be clear

Jen Han: Quartz inclusions if they are quartz, do not matter, except if they are in the area of the eye. Consider a horizontal discoidal area with the vortex at the center point. This must be unaltered.



Obtaining a Vogel/Eredyon cut crystal:

Note that I have zero financial interest, only an academic interest in the science of crystals. There is a crystal company I can recommend who has been instructing their cutters of Vogel type crystals to take into consideration the specifications that Jen Han has given. You can acquire reasonably a 6 sided Vogel type quartz crystal ranging from 4 to 6 inches in length. Note that all sizes work to open the vortex.
When a crystal is cut with these additional considerations, you can refer to it as a Vogel/Eredyon cut crystal to differentiate from other Vogel type cut crystals that do not take these extra considerations into account.


Jen Han: Crystal you name Quartz is in synchronized frequency with Source.
So when you stimulate the singularity, you bridge to Source


Dan: Is this 6 sided only suited mostly for the application of imprinting into the singularity wormhole to modify the holographic matrix or for generating Phryll?

Jen Han: You can also heal with this one, because it is the most effective tool on manipulating the fabric of reality. Imprint the healthy element onto the defective one using the vortex. You know, and I shouldn't say that because it will open a new conversation, but you can interface your Pineal gland with the vortex of the crystal and travel distances and time by projection of consciousness. Another time maybe.

The Pineal gland located in the center between the 2 hemispheres of the brain



Clearing the crystal before use:

One you obtain a crystal that meets these requirements, you must first clear it of all pervious imprints within it's lattice structure. Jen Han has given detailed instructions on how to do the clearing of the crystal here. There is also a video on how to do this.



Imprinting the program into the vortex:

When the crystal is formed according to the above specifications that Jen Han has given, the two pyramidal terminations of different ratios that create two counter rotating vortexes that meet in the area approximately across from where the termination angle lines intersect, this is called the eye of the crystal. When the eye is piezoelectrically stimulated it opens up the vortex singularity node into the void. This allows your conscious thought to link and imprint that program into vortex to effect the holographic matrix.

The approximate location of phase-conjunction node or eye of the crystal formed by the ratio of the two points of inclination


Jen Han: It works by finding the phase-conjugation node inside the crystal, by projecting inwards the geometrical shapes of the two opposite points, like a mirror. There, is the vortex singularity of the crystal. Focus your thought and energy just there, and you may project your consciousness to anywhere you wish in this universe, and the other universes. To other densities, other dimensions. Anything is accessible in space, dimension and time. This is great power. It is a very important information. I am honored to be allowed to share this with you.

Jen Han: It is not male and female as biological terms but active and receptive. The two dynamics twirling in opposite directions create a phase conjugated tension that creates singularity in the hologram. A convergence of infinite power.

Jen Han: The singularity is in the vorticial center, not metric center. The two triads are not equidistant from the singularity nor symmetric either; because their ratio, and their
distance from the epicenter, are determined by the different angles of inclination of the two points. It is not a physical node but an infinite singularity, which is different.

Jen Han: The singularity node is a bridge to alter the hologram of the universe. It is a small wormhole. its ability to transcend densities and anchor into the holographic grid of the universe, this works with the wormhole.

Jen Han: You can program crystals. It especially works when you imprint the programming while the vortex is open. The program will not wither in time if it was imprinted into the open vortex. If the program is not imprinted into the vortex, so the programming will wither with time.

Jen Han: This science is used to create worlds



Marking the approximate location of the eye:

You can measure with rulers or straight edges that are laid flat on both of the pyramidal termination sides. Where the two rulers intersect, across from that put a small tiny piece of tape, such as a little diamond shape piece in the area of the vortex singularity eye. This little piece of tape can then be used as a visual reference guide as to where to place your fingers and press on both sides where the eye of the crystal is forming. It doesn't matter which of the 3 axes you place your fingers across to press so long as it is near the eye of the crystal.

Two straight edges against the termination angled shows the approximate area of the eye


Jen Han: It is best measuring it but by feeling it directly you already interface. If you first find it by measurement, you still need to interface: “feel” it.





Using your fingers to open the vortex

With this method you only need the crystal. Each time you slightly compress with a sharp squeeze between your fingers across the area of eye of the crystal, it will open the vortex eye and allow you to project your program into the open vortex. This is done in sync with your breath pulse.

Hold the crystal with your fingers across the vortex eye area of the crystal.
Note the diamond shaped piece of tape being used as a guide for the area of the eye.

Dan: How much of a physical squeeze is required?

Jen Han: Do not break the crystal but compress it enough that the charge of the mass is relocated towards the center. You do not need to force too much. What works is a repetitive action: a pulse.


Ether physical or electronic pressure creates a piezoelectric effect of charge displacement in the crystal lattice

Pressing your fingers in the area of the eye of the crystal:

Jen Han: There is a very precise, specific pressure that you can apply to quartz, that will activate the compression node and open the vortex. The energy produced can be tremendous. This kind of operation must be conduced knowledgeably and wisely.

Jen Han: I would recommend synchronized breath and pressure. I repeat, you do not need to go as fast as you can. 20 pulses a second is for metallic (electronic) pulse. Human soul and body are a different transponder. Find the rhythm that you feel works for you.

Jen Han: Do you remember, it is like breath: no slow long pressure, but a series of sharp, strong pulses. If you apply constant long pressure, it will accumulate charge and become a generator. If you apply sharp quick pressures, it will stimulate the singularity and pierce through the hologram, you can then use the crystal as a tool to modify the hologram. You will “feel” the appropriate rhythm of pulsation.




Using electronic pulses to open the vortex


This is a more advanced configuration to keep the vortex in the crystal continually open, while you project your program into the vortex in sync with your pulsed breath hands free. Jen Han calls this method "metallic" technology.

Dan: Compared to using a Vogel crystal with just our fingers and finding a rhythm to synchronize with breath. Is using the “metallic” 20 electronic pulses per second considerably more effective at opening the singularity vortex within the crystal?

Jen Han: I will tell you this: you need this technology at this point in time, because it is more effective than what you bodies are, in average, able to do. But please know this: in a greater knowledge, you do not need this technology because your bodies are purveyed with natural abilities that can do that. You can literally project an electric field through the ether, with the simple power of your mind. Please make sure to tell Terrans to whom you will show this simple technology, that it works as well without this technology, as we spoke before, using their consciousness carried by the breath, and the pulse of their fingers. Of course, technology helps greatly.


This method requires electronic equipment:

This equipment provides very sharp and narrow electrical pulses at 20 per second at a minimum of 15 volts amplitude from the signal generator which is sent to the pure silver discs on both sides of the crystal’s compression node vortex center.


Jen Han: When you pulse an electric signal into the vortex of the crystal, longitudinal waves are generated by the pulses of the crystal. These compression waves affect the fabric of space time.


Jen Han: This is a sharp, pulsated, repetitive pressure. 20 pulse per second with metallic technology.

Jen Han: The harmonic frequency with quartz is 20 pulses per second.

Jen Han: Silver is a metal that has a close radiance and frequency to light.


Thor Han: Jen Han said that the 15 V is most efficient, and that it also works at a lower voltage but it needs to send a sufficiently powerful pulse and 15 V is efficient.

Jen Han: You can also feel it with your mind, where the power center is.
Your being recognizes it. It pulses faster than light, your body and being recognize this.

Jen Han: To imprint the morphic grid and alter the hologram, the 60 degree angle will point like a projecting beam to re-write the hologram. Yes it points upwards, aligned to the radius of the planet. This is important, related to the electromagnetic field and the bending gravity if it is a big crystal. Gravity bends light, so it affects also the toroidal field of the crystal.

Jen Han: By nature of its cut, the Vogel crystal generates Phryll via the activation of the vortex, which procedure is performed via pulsation. Breath, electrical impulse, sound frequency, for the most commonly used. the receiver angle harvests it, and sends it to the emitter angle. It follows the movements in the toroidal field of the crystal.

Jen Han: Longitudinal waves are able to interact with consciousness, because the brain is an emitter and receiver of longitudinal waves. Longitudinal waves are the direct link with consciousness. So now you know, what the power of consciousness is. Coupled with the settings I guided you to build, you give consciousness a physical device to change the world as it pleases you. This great power, it is now time you know it.



The crystal support structure:

The support stand for the crystal is up to your imagination. On their planet (Erra) they suspend the crystal using anti-gravity to allow the crystal to oscillate freely. The structure chosen should allow the crystal to be as least physically restrained as possible to not dampen the oscillations of the lattice structure.

The 60 degree termination needs to point upward. The below example was using plumbing parts. Whatever type of supporting framework you use, try to use non-magnetic type materials such as brass, copper or aluminum or various plastics.

Please be careful when handling the crystal as the tips are very fragile and can chip.

An example of a crystal support structure using plumbing parts


This is another example. Here Elena has used a hexagonal candle holder.
Later we discover the metal is not brass but steel with a brass like coating which is magnetic


This is another example of suspending the crystal between two clear plastic discs with a 3/4 inch hole in the top and bottom
The discs are adjusted into place to sandwich the crystal with threaded bolts and nuts in three corners.
The advantage of this design is that there is minimal restrain on holding the crystal in place.

The above version is using brass threaded rods. You can also use nylon threaded rods. To assemble you need to drill holes in plastic discs for the threaded rods and nuts and the crystal in the center. Silver disc electrodes are held in place at the vortex eye with a small tie wrap. 360 view video. The components pictured here contains everything except for the Vogel-Eredyon crystal and the signal generator


Reality Modulator Parts List:

The following is provided for your convenience in locating components, note other variations may be equally effective. To create the dual clear acrylic discs supported by the 3 threaded posts with nuts, requires that you create the 3 -16mm holes is the plastic discs and the appropriate size holes to hold the top and bottom of the crystal in the center. The zip tie is used to hold the silver discs in place at the eye of the crystal. Programming for the function generator can be seen in this video.

6 SIDED VOGEL/EREDYON TYPE CUT CRYSTAL $170 starting for small size (all sizes work for vortex)

FUNCTION GENERATOR $69 for 20 Hz pulse at 0.1 duty includes cable with alligator clips for electrodes

.999 Fine Silver 25.4mm Disc, 22-Ga., Full-Hard for electrodes QTY 2 $30 (or select 31.8mm larger size)

Threaded rod M16 200mm 5 pack $28 (only need 3 of the 5 rods)

M16 Hex Full Nuts 20 pack $10 (you can use 18 of the 20 nuts)

2 Pieces 1/4" Round Plexiglass Sheet, 8 Inch Diameter Clear Acrylic Circle 2 pack $10

Zip Cable Ties Narrow White 8 inch (100 Pack) $5






Programming the function generator:

The steps to program the function generator can be viewed in this video. You only need to program channel 1, channel 2 you could optionally use to power ether a speaker aimed at the compression node with a sine wave of 1496 Hz, or if you would like to experiment with ELF brainwave entrainment, you could power a small magnetic coil with a sine wave of 40 Hz to enhance Gamma brainwaves as shown in that video.


\ Signal Generator settings

20.00 Hz @ 15 Volts Duty 00.1%



A frequency key shot at the compression node:

To enhance the opening of the vortex eye, you can use a speaker projecting a frequency key directed at the compression node or eye of the crystal.

Jen Han: It is activated by sound. Well to be more precise: by a frequency key shot at its compression node.

587, 644 and 1496 Hz frequency keys shot at the compression node


Jen Han: My scale of frequencies differs from that used on planet Terra. We do not use the same scale of time so the numbers for the frequencies are different. Although, yes, you can broadcast sound frequencies. I will need to convert into your time scale.

Jen Han: My brother can do that now. 1496 Hertz of your scale. 644 Hertz, 587 Hertz. Chose the 1496 Hertz please. Works best, but not in direct contact with the crystal, it can breach it.

Jen Han: You are asking me if you must pulse a constant 1496 Hz, it is not necessary. It is best to pulse for a few seconds and then let the particles adjust their rate, then do it again after a while. Feel the particles telling you when they are craving for more of this frequency. You can also sequence the three frequencies and play this sequence intermittently.

The following wav audio file will play 587 then 644 then 1496 Hz followed by a pause for 9 seconds to allow the sounds to broadcast in an intermittent manner by playing on a computer audio player set to "repeat". Or you can experiment and feel what the crystal needs with only the 1496 Hz, such as using this variation wav audio file of 4 sequences of 1496 Hz of 6 seconds (3 sec on 3 sec off) followed by a pause length of 2 sequences which is 12 seconds long.



Feel the vortex with your mind to connect and imprint:


Jen Han: Sit in front of the crystal that is wired for metallic pulse, and send your intention with your breath into the crystal, not touching it because your own body electricity will create a dissonance with the metallic wired pulse.

Dan: The “power center” location you stated is then to be felt with the mind. If for some reason it is not felt, is it still effective to imagine this power center within the crystal if it is not felt?

Jen Han: If you do not feel it with your mind, you are not connected to the crystal's central vortex. You need to have the connection if you want to imprint an intention into the planetary matrix. The new template of reality cannot bridge to the old, otherwise.

Dan: Once that connection is felt and established, we visualize in our mind’s eye in as much clarity and totality as possible, for example a positive timeline on Terra.

Jen Han: Yes. Always set the trajectory beforehand.

Dan: When that conscious vision has clearly formed, we then project that into the eye of the crystal using our pulsed breath to crystallize it into manifestation in the holographic grid of the planetary matrix. Do we have this correct?

Jen Han: You have this correct. You put the seed into the crystal. Now you will activate the vortex.




Jen Han: But be careful, you need not to perform this for too much a long time. It depends on the size of the crystal. There is a time/mass ratio that corresponds to the saturation point. Because there is a saturation point. After this point is passed, the crystal implodes. It becomes Light and transcends matter and density. It can be very harmful at this stage. So this is why we harvest Phryll and generate energy supply by sequences. The small Vogel crystals used as such, are not dangerous. The big generators with the coils are.

Elena: How can we know we reach the ratio point?

Jen Han: The crystal begins to sing. You hear a faint whistle, that becomes louder. You need to stop there. You can practice until the crystal sings, but if you are sensitive enough, your will “know”. On your time frame and your density: a few minutes, not more than ten, should work. But you can continue until the crystal sings.













For reference below are the original excerpts from the communications log





Communications Log original excerpts from Jen Han Eredyon:

Dan (via Elena): The higher the dimensional frequency, it appears to have a greater connection to the common fundamental core of the collective mind of all minds of humanity share on planet Terra. Since the crystal may act as a bridge to couple the energies of mind, would it be a true statement that, a thought or visualization, aligned with the love of your heart, projected into the crystal by pulsing the breath with positive intention, acts to collectively affect in a benevolent way, the collective minds of many on Terra, to help assist in co-creatively manifesting that thought or visualization?

Jen Han: There are several elements to be answered in this question. Firstly, a quartz crystal, or any mineral is in resonance with the planetary matrix it is born from. When you bring your frequency-thought on the same resonance as the crystal, or any type of mineral, you attune also to its planetary matrix.

Dan (Comment): So the crystals produced on Terra, like the DNA in our physical bodies made of this planet, are in resonance with Terra’s planetary matrix and therefore would effectively transfer the energies of mind to the collective mind of our planetary matrix. So the Martians will be only effective resonating with their planetary matrix of Mars etc.

Elena: Stop! How to do that? How to attune to the frequency of the mineral and how do you know you're on it, and how does it work?

Jen Han: It works by mineral resonance. Your blood. It is easier when you are in a body envelop that is from same planetary matrix you desire to work upon. Otherwise you need to do an effort or require technology. But in the case of your friend, and yourself, you can do this easily because your envelops are from the same planetary matrix as the crystals you have available to work with. You take the mineral/ crystal in your two hands. It creates a current. Best is to have one in each hand but it works also with your two hands on one single crystal. Your hands must not touch. The current will work naturally. It is even better if you are in direct connection with the soil of the planetary matrix. You intend to make one with the planetary matrix. The crystal is the connector if you will. Quartz is best. Always works. Quartz is found throughout the whole universe. It is a fundamental component. You know you are in resonance when you feel it. It's like a shiver in your whole body, from your heart center. You may even hear the crystal singing the frequency of the planetary matrix.

Dan (Comment): Yes, you don’t want to short your polarity charge out by touching your hands or feet together. Electrically connecting to the earth (Terra) is an important concept to conduct these energies into the earth. Especially if you can find a nodal point on the Terra earth grid.
In doing an online visualization exercise with a crystal in front of a computer screen might be enhanced using a ground wire connection from an electrical outlet that you have electrical connection with to conduit your body energies into the earth. I personally have this at my computer station so that I stay grounded and will have to try that next time!

Elena: Planetary matrix, is it the same as planet?

Jen Han: Yes, that is how I call it. Planetary matrix is more accurate.

Elena: So I can say: Oh I am going to the planetary matrix Mars?

Jen Han: (laughs) No! You say Planet Mars.

Elena: You lost me.

Jen Han: “Planetary matrix” is a term used when we mention the conscious, living organic aspect of a planet. “Planet” is a term used only for the location.

Dan (via Elena): Any suggestions or techniques to optimize the use of a crystal in the amplification of co-creatively transforming Terra for the most benevolent outcome for all beings? Also for individual healing of self or others?

Jen Han: This will also answer the previous question: Love. The frequency of love is the connecting pulse between all living things in the universe. Even through dimensional planes. Love is the universal bridge. It can bridge anything, I mean a-ny-thing, love is the tool. So when you intend love into a crystal, you activate its transcending capacity. When on the top of this action you embed a target by visualization, it bridges you to it easily. Love is a secure channel, because of the high frequency. It prevents dissonance. The target can be: a visualization inside the crystal of a place or a person, you can also embed a story by moving images or/and vocalization of the story, and you can either, also, embed just a sound: the name of a person or of a place. The more you superimpose layers, the better it is going to work. Repeat for the geometrical resonance. It will force the pattern into the holographic matrix.

Dan (Comment): This is very much what an ET being shared with me in 1977 regarding love as the vehicle connecting the multiple densities or frequency geometries in our evolution.


This is also why Dr Vogel stressed the importance of love when working with the crystals. For the purpose of ether group or individual visualization exercises in order to seed a positive timeline into the holographic planetary matrix, it is the love in our heart that we have for our fellow humans and our beautiful planet Terra that allows that reality to transcend through the dimensional planes and into manifestation.
Although the second part of my question regarding techniques using the crystal for healing self or others wasn’t addressed directly, the same no doubt would apply in healing ourselves or someone else as we resonate with the individual holographic matrix in healing. Love heals.

Dan (via Elena): Regarding the Crystal Geometry. Do the energies of mind have a geometric quality?  


Jen Han: Of course! Everything in the created universe is constructed on a geometrical holographic structure. “The energies of mind”: I like that it is worded as such, because there is a difference between this and the electrical brainwaves. The energies of the mind are fractals of consciousness “solidified”, in a way, or shall I say, that have taken form as a geometrical manifestation. A thought creates an electrical projection. An energy-thought reshapes the holographic geometrical formula of reality. It rearranges the micro-connections linking the fractal elements. Thought can reshape the holographic grid of reality because thoughts are complex geometrical patterns. The crystal will bridge the new pattern to the existing ones, and if the impulse is strong enough, the new pattern will force themselves onto the old and the old will morph into the new.

Dan (via Elena): Is this the common fundamental geometrical resonance that allows for telepathy between all species of beings as a universal language? Is this similar to a geometrical resonance within our DNA?

Jen Han: Great question! That is the best part in planetary engineering! Creating the morphic grid!

Elena: The morphic grid?...

Jen Han: Listen, right: imagine a mycelium veil wrapping around a planet, it interconnects everything because it carries information, constantly, simultaneously and towards all points on the web. Well, a morphic grid is a medium that does exactly the same thing. It is sentient, but not as you can comprehend it. It is conscious should I say. When you plug into it, you are in connection with every living thing on the planetary matrix, simultaneously. It is a non-organic consciousness constructed with frequency patterns in the shape of repetitive fractal geometry. There is one single mathematical formula for the whole of it.

Dan (Comment): This planetary web matrix is what each mind is a fractal of and each fractal mind acts as a conduit to affect the larger collective mind of the planet which it is a fractal of. Similar I imagine, as in a hologram, if any fractal part of the hologram changes, that change is reflected in every part of the hologram. Being that the planetary morphic grid has a collective mind and that it has a holographic nature.

Elena: And when you are in space?

Jen Han: You can connect with all living beings of a planetary matrix only when you are in it. It still works when you are in space if the body you inhabit belongs to this planetary matrix. Then, wherever you are in the universe, even on other dimensional planes, you can attune to the morphic grid of the planetary matrix that is in resonance with your body. If I come to my brother's ship, here on orbit of your planet, I will still be able to attune to Erra, my planetary matrix. It is quantum resonance as you name it on Terra. Because of my DNA, you understand? The geometrical encoding of the blood I carry. It is a frequency match to the planetary morphic grid of my world. So the connection is never lost. Yes, it can also be called a geometrical resonance.

Dan (Comment): Geometrical resonance appears to be the universal language of the universe.

Dan (via Elena): Is what we term "Love" the fundamental structure of this geometrical matrix at its core in the higher dimensions?

Jen Han: It is more complex than this, but on the core principle yes.

Elena: Can you develop please?

Jen Han: Love is not only a frequency. Your people will learn that frequency is a holographic geometry. There are three types of holographic geometry: atomic, energetic and photonic. These three arrangements create each, in their domain, a hologrammatic structure. All three generate a specific frequency that will resonate either through matter, energy or light. The reverse process is also active: when you generate a frequency, it creates a geometric pattern that imprints the ether. The geometrical frequency patterns that you just created alter -or create- a holographic structure of matter, energy or light. Now you need a bridge from ether to matter, energy or light, and can be technology or crystals. Crystals exist in different densities at the same time. They are natural bridges.

Dan (Comment): Bridging the etheric energies emanated from mind into the manifestation of matter through the use of a crystal as a bridge is an important concept.

Dan (via Elena): It would appear that negative thoughts of evil do not have the resonance to pass through the higher dimensions, as their geometries are a distortion and do not align with the fundamental of the matrix.  (could be the reason why some crystals shatter when misused)

Jen Han: Dissonance cannot attune with an ordered state of geometrical resonance.

Dan (via Elena): Since the higher dimensions are responsible for forming the lower dimensions, and not visa versa.  The ability of the crystal to "amplify" thought appears to be based on its ability to couple to the higher dimensions and thus have an amplifying effect into the lower dimensions that physically manifest into the 3D world.

Jen Han: As I said earlier; a crystal is a bridge because it exists in all dimensions at a time.

Dan (Comment): Again, an important concept to bridge the dimensions with a crystal.

Dan (via Elena): The nature of crystals, especially clear quartz, being physically resonant on many dimensions simultaneously. Is this due to the tetrahedral geometry of its lattice structure being infinitely fractal and this tetrahedral lattice structure being a fundamental structure of the matrix?

Jen Han: The core holographic structure of quartz, the purest material in the universe, is as I said based on the same core fractal formula than water, and both are interdimensional bridges. Tetrahedral geometry is one of the main frequency keys used to build worlds and life-forms. Tetrahedral fractal geometry is the secret of the universe.

Dan (Comment): Indeed, as some researchers on Terra have discovered, that the entire periodic table of elements are based on a tetrahedral structure to form all of the elements in nature.



Dan (via Elena): In the quartz crystal hexagonal structure, the point of balance in the middle between the negative and positive triads (the polarity opposites) that create the crystals hexagonal form, is this center point the dimensional gate to all dimensions?

Jen Han: The answer is in the geometrical ratio. I need to ask if I can answer that, because this topic is part of the list of things not to mention. You know, the Prime Directive...

Elena: I know too well, Jen Han...

Jen Han: My brother says I can answer this. It will just be recorded and archived that I passed on to you this information.

Elena: You won't be in trouble?

Jen Han: No, I won't. Crystals have their own fractal geometry. If they are in their natural original shape they have it active naturally. If they are cut roughly they lose it, but if cut following the lattice structure they keep it, and can even be enhanced considerably that way. Thor Han tells me that you know what type of crystals correspond to what I say.

Elena: The Vogel cut crystals?

Thor Han: Yes.

Dan (Comment): The energy in the crystal vortexes along the C-axis which is the growth axis that forms the crystal to align with the apex or tip of the crystals structure. A properly cut Vogel crystal is formed so that both tips are in perfect alignment with this C-axis or growth axis. This is why Dr Vogel was given in a dream the image of the tree of life as a di-pyramidal form in order to more effectively cohere the energies of mind in a laser like manner.

Greater coherence provides greater degree of clarity for manifestation. With one end being female at 52 degrees (the natural angle of quartz) and the other male or projecting end being more of an acute angle.

Regarding the central point between the countless fractal positive and negative charge triads within the crystal lattice structure that forms the overall hexagonal shape of the crystal being a dimensional gate.

Ancient occult writings have described the web as being hexagonal in form. Whereas the male and female balance of the two triads that make up the 6 points of the hexagonal pattern have a 7th point in the center which they attribute to “spirit” which emanates outwardly to create the 6 points. Pythagoras called the 6 pointed star with a dot in the center the “star of creation”. This is why I ask about the center of the charge triads being the dimensional gate which appears to vortex in the center.


Jen Han: It is not male and female as biological terms but active and receptive. The two dynamics twirling in opposite directions create a phase conjugated tension that creates singularity in the hologram. A convergence of infinite power. The singularity is in the vorticial center, not metric center. The two triads are not equidistant from the singularity nor symmetric either; because their ratio, and their distance from the epicenter, are determined by the different angles of inclination of the two points. It is not a physical node but an infinite singularity, which is different.

The different angles of inclination of the two points of the crystal

Jen Han: Well: it works by finding the phase-conjugation node inside the crystal, by projecting inwards the geometrical shapes of the two opposite points, like a mirror. There, is the vortex singularity of the crystal. Focus your thought and energy just there, and you may project your consciousness to anywhere you wish in this universe, and the other universes. To other densities, other dimensions. Anything is accessible in space, dimension and time. This is great power, Elena. It is a very important information. I am honored to be allowed to share this with you.

The approximate location of phase-conjunction node or eye of the crystal formed by the ratio of the two points of inclination


Elena: Can my friend share it publicly?


Jen Han: I am not taking this responsibility.

Thor Han: I have it confirmed that Dan can use this knowledge.

Jen Han: This science is used to create worlds.

Elena: Is that where we need to apply the pressure, either sides of this precise point?

Jen Han: That is correct. The shape is correct. This is what you call Merkaba.

Elena: Yes!

Jen Han: This is like a machine that can create anything, this is great power.

Dan (via Elena): When imprinting a thought or energy to be written into the crystal structure, is this where subtle energies are written or encoded?

Jen Han: Yes.

Dan (via Elena): The piezoelectric effect, which generates voltage when the charge triads are minutely physically displaced by pressure, appears to represent a means in which multi-dimensional holographic patterns can be stored and retrieved, along with its temporal components.  Is this the storage mechanism for the med beds to reform our physical body?

Jen Han: There is a very precise, specific pressure that you can apply to quartz, that will activate the compression node and open the vortex. The energy produced can be tremendous. This kind of operation must be conduced knowledgeably and wisely. Crystals can store data just as water does, because constructed on the same fractal core formula, but crystals have way more capacities. Of course, they are the most elaborate state of matter. So elaborate that it naturally embeds consciousness. To answer this question: some med-beds technology use fractal holographic technology. Let me explain. The fractal core formula of the tissue to repair is recorded, and the perfect unaltered geometrical pattern is reconstructed and superimposed on the damaged pattern. The old pattern instinctively pairs and morphs into the new one, because the universe tends to perfection. It is a holographic fractal re-pairing. Sound frequency is used to “tie in” the new pattern to the old one. You remember how I explained earlier, that holographic structures are constructed or either altered by frequency?

Dan (Comment): This slight squeezing pressure on the crystal is what Dr Vogel discovered assisted in resonating with the DNA frequency signature of the person using the crystal. So as to become one with the crystal. He found that rotating it in his hand while rubbing with a slight pressure assisted this resonance coupling to the individual. Apparently the crystal has the ability to store the fractal holographic pattern of an individual including the temporal elements. In other words within the fractal holographic pattern you have the ability to tune through time of that holographic pattern going back to the moment of conception of the physical being you have recorded and stored as a holographic pattern within the crystal? As Alex Collier described.

Dan (via Elena): What is the relationship between the 52 degree angle that is shared by both the Great Pyramid and quartz crystals?

Jen Han: This is a ratio that acts as a transponder. It is dynamic geometry. Some shapes, just because of their proportions, naturally affect the holographic structure of the matrix. We use this specific pyramidal ratio to build our Phryll generators. Because the geometrical structure of the central crystal, in a generator, will interface with the pyramidal ratio of the building or the machine harvesting its energy.

Dan (Comment): 52 degree angle of the Great Pyramid on Terra is directly related to Phi or the 1.618 ratio which is expressed throughout nature and resonates fractally into infinity, so this makes sense in regards to the Pyramid and quartz crystal having this specific angle to transpond to this matrix.


Elena: How does a central crystal, in your generators, produce Phryll? Because the pyramidal structure with an angle of 52 degree is a harvester, right?

Jen Han: Not only harvester: transponder as well. The central crystal generates energy because the vortex if open.


Jen Han: Anticipating your next question: it is activated by sound. Well to be more precise: by a frequency key shot at its compression node.

Dan: Elena and I are very grateful and wish to thank you for assisting us in understanding this crystal technology in order to empower the beings of Terra to assist in effectively co-creating a positive timeline for our planet.

Jen Han:I have something to say to this, first of all thank you Dan for performing this global training for humans of Terra, and to guide them towards their own personal power. I didn't know things were that concerning on your planet. I never truly wanted to interest myself into the events that are going on on your planet, and also, my brother was keeping me safe, away from this great battlefield. Did you know that I wanted to become a pilot and my brother forbade me to. I believe he wanted to preserve me from potential danger because he loves me. I watched the recorded training sequence with the crystals, that you did with Elena, and I liked it. My words were well and clearly transcribed. Also the information I gave you. Yes, I can say that I am happy with your production. I didn't know how bad the situation was on your planet, Dan. I am glad that now, everything is taking the right turn and the good people of Terra made agreements with our Federation. One day I hope you will come and visit me in Manahu (the Pleiades).



Dan comment: The Galactic Federation of Worlds were able to convert the above video into a compatible holographic format to allow Jen Han to view.

1) If you have watched the video Elena and I made titled “Creating a positive timeline in the planetary matrix using a crystal”, the procedure we did with Elena’s viewers

A) Do you think it was effective?

B) How can we improve the effectiveness?

C) Are the Vogel cut crystals significantly more powerful than a natural single quartz crystal points for doing this work?

Jen Han: I know it was effective, because the wording and the knowledge were right, so the impact on the planetary morphic grid was effective. You can improve the effectiveness by preparing the people longer beforehand. It is good if they are in Gamma brainwaves before starting the work. Gamma brainwaves open the vortices in the person's mind and anything becomes possible. I know you do not have the technology but try find a way, maybe by meditation as you call it.

Elena: Wait, I can create Gamma binaural frequencies with a set of tuning forks I have, would that work?

Jen Han:is that directly projecting these sound waves into the brain of the auditors?

Elena: yes I can do that, coupled with meditation. Any other tips to improve the effectiveness?

Jen Han:deep inner state of awareness is required if you wish to improve the work.

Elena: So please what can you say about question 1-C): Are the Vogel cut crystals significantly more powerful than a natural single quartz crystal points for doing this work?

Jen Han: Oh yes they are, if it is cut rightly. In perfect alignment with the grid of the lattice.

We have interpreted this to mean it is “most powerful” to cut the crystal so that the 6 natural sides or axis of the lattice of a quartz crystal are cut as a Vogel crystal to match as in this illustration

Jen Han: yes this is correct

Dan: By cutting the Vogel crystal with 6 sides in this manner, when physical pressure is applied it would be the optimal natural angles of the lattice structure that would be exactly perpendicular to the structure of the lattice, and therefore would yield the greatest piezoelectric output in voltage.

Jen Han: That is correct

Dan: The 6 sided Vogel cut crystal would be formed in this manner with 52 degrees on one end and approximately +/- 60 degrees on the other?

Jen Han: It must be 60 exactly. The receiver end is 52 degrees angle because it is a geometrical shape that harvests energy and electricity. It keeps it until it is released by two means: naturally with a long period of time, or with a simple basic technology that transforms the receiver into a generator.

There is a very precise, specific pressure that you can apply to quartz, that will activate the compression node and open the vortex. The energy produced can be tremendous. This kind of operation must be conduced knowledgeably and wisely.”

Dan: Could you please clarify in greater terms exactly how to apply this pressure as you said “There is a very precise, specific pressure that you can apply to quartz” ?

Jen Han: Sure. This is a sharp, pulsated, repetitive pressure. 20 pulse per second with metallic technology. Faster will work as well but the harmonic frequency with quartz is 20 pulses per second.

Elena: Can't do that with my fingers...

Jen Han: With fingers, pulse in synchronicity with your breath. The soul activates the vortex in the crystal by projection with the breath.

Elena: Can you develop the “metallic technology” please?

Jen Han: Crystal reacts with close-to-pure conductive metals. They ring the lattice.

Elena: They ring the lattice?

Jen Han: they stimulate the electrons in the atoms in the crystal, until it changes the charge. At each pulse, the charge will inverse. Under a continuous alternate pulse, the crystal will generate Phryll energy.

Elena: Where... how... where does this Phryll come from? Does the crystal create it from the ether?

Jen Han: No, it comes from the singularity, that has opened. Crystal you name Quartz is in synchronized frequency with Source. So when you stimulate the singularity, you bridge to Source and you can draw energy from it. But be careful, you need not to perform this for too much a long time. It depends on the size of the crystal. There is a time/mass ratio that corresponds to the saturation point. Because there is a saturation point. After this point is passed, the crystal implodes. It becomes Light and transcends matter and density. It can be very harmful at this stage. So this is why we harvest Phryll and generate energy supply by sequences.

Elena: How can we know we reach the ratio point?

Jen Han:The crystal begins to sing.

Elena: sing?

Jen Han: You hear a faint whistle, that becomes louder. You need to stop there.

Dan: How much of a physical squeeze is required?

Jen Han:do not break the crystal but compress it enough that the charge of the mass is relocated towards the center. You do not need to force too much. What works is a repetitive action: a pulse.

Dan: Is this pressure using our hand fingers to squeeze the area of the crystal that is near this vorticial center indicated by the red dot?

Jen Han: yes correct.

Do you remember, it is like breath: no slow long pressure, but a series of sharp, strong pulses. If you apply constant long pressure, it will accumulate charge and become a generator. If you apply sharp quick pressures, it will stimulate the singularity and pierce through the hologram, you can then use the crystal as a tool to modify the hologram. You will “feel” the appropriate rhythm of pulsation.

You can also feel it with your mind, where the power center is. Your being recognizes it. It pulses faster than light, your body and being recognize this. They feel it.”

Regarding breath and physical pressures

Dan: You stated that there are two applications, breath and physical pressure. Should the short bursts of breath be synced (done together at the same time) with the sharp physical pressures on the crystal?

Or just the breath pulsed once and multiple sharp physical squeezes of the crystal?

Jen Han: Both work but I would recommend synchronized breath and pressure. I repeat, you do not need to go as fast as you can. 20 pulse a second is for metallic pulse. Human soul and body are a different transponder. Find the rhythm that you feel works for you.

There is another way I haven't mentioned yet: Metallic pulse and breath. It is impossible for a human to breathe at 20 pulse per second, but this works too: Sit in front of the crystal that is wired for metallic pulse, and send your intention with your breath into the crystal, not touching it because your own body electricity will create a dissonance with the metallic wired pulse. You can couple both as I said. I hope the Terrans will understand.

Elena: wait... you said “crystal wired for metallic pulse”? Can you develop please?

Jen Han: Metallic pulse can be induced two ways: by two small electrodes either sides of the singularity point,or by two wires spiraling in opposite directions around the crystal.

Elena: now we're talking. We'll have to develop this topic next time, as I have limited time with what I can bear with the implant's statics.

Dan: You stated that you can feel an appropriate “rhythm of pulsation”, is the duration of this pulsing action required for very long to pierce through the hologram in order to modify it with a vision of a positive timeline into the planetary matrix?

Jen Han: Oh yes of course, as I said previously, you can practice until the crystal sings, but if you are sensitive enough, your will “know”. On your time frame and your density: a few minutes, not more than ten, should work. But you can continue until the crystal sings.

Dan: The “power center” location you stated is then to be felt with the mind. If for some reason it is not felt, is it still effective to imagine this power center within the crystal if it is not felt?

Jen Han: If you do not feel it with your mind, you are not connected to the crystal's central vortex. You need to have the connection if you want to imprint an intention into the planetary matrix. The new template of reality cannot bridge to the old, otherwise.

Dan: If the participants do not have a Vogel type crystal and only have a single quartz point, is there any suggestions to help make their impact into the planetary matrix more effective?

Jen Han: It works with any kind of quartz, at the condition that the lattice is respected. If not cut in resonance but cut in dissonance regarding the lattice, the crystal will not harvest. Natural raw quartz are of course effective, but the Vogel cut as you name them are a more surgical tool to operate into the fabric of space-time and universal consciousness.

Dan: Is the understanding correct in how the phase-conjugation node within the crystal is created... That the angles of inclination of the two end terminations each create a vortex of energy, as similar to within a pyramid, and because of the reflective optics within the crystal are “mirrored” as exact opposites in their vortexial flows which converge together to create within the center of these two opposing vortexes, a singularity point that is, by it’s nature, connected to all points in the hologram?

Jen Han: That is what I showed to you on the first time. I made Elena draw something. This is correct. The vortices open holes in the holographic reality, allowing the anchoring of imprints.

Dan: Is the understanding correct that this phase-conjugation node is more related to the spinning vortexes of light (optical) of the two terminations than the molecular direction of either right or left handed spiraling within the crystal?

Jen Han: Oh no these are two different aspects. The singularity node is a bridge to alter the hologram of the universe. It is a small wormhole. The two spiraling molecular directions have to do with the power core of the crystal in its natural state, not its ability to transcend densities and anchor into the holographic grid of the universe, that works with the wormhole.

Dan: From what you described, this singularity point created would be the most powerful place to imprint an imagine into the planetary matrix and it is something that must be “felt” as to it’s exact location?

Jen Han: It is best measuring it but by feeling it directly you already interface. If you first find it by measurement, you still need to interface: “feel” it.


Dan: For all those who do not own a Vogel type crystal and are using a natural single point quartz crystal instead, I am assuming there is a great difference of effectiveness in piercing into the hologram? Do you have any recommendations for those with just natural uncut crystals?

Jen Han: Natural uncut crystals work when they are not altered, what I mean is no breaks and cracks in the angles. It must be complete. We visited an Altean craft recently, that is why I am visiting this star system, to learn more about their terraforming science, and the way they use crystals in their ships, notably. The walls in the common areas are made with natural crystals but these are impeccable, with unaltered angles. Otherwise they wouldn't bridge the densities.

Jen Han stated:
“You take the mineral/ crystal in your two hands. It creates a current. Best is to have one in each hand but it works also with your two hands on one single crystal. Your hands must not touch. The current will work naturally. It is even better if you are in direct connection with the soil of the planetary matrix. You intend to make one with the planetary matrix. The crystal is the connector if you will. Quartz is best. Always works. Quartz is found throughout the whole universe. It is a fundamental component. You know you are in resonance when you feel it. It's like a shiver in your whole body, from your heart center. You may even hear the crystal singing the frequency of the planetary matrix.”

Dan: For those with natural uncut crystals, having one in each hand you are saying has the best effect rather than two hands (not touching each other) on a single crystal. This would be more appropriate for uncut natural crystals than a Vogel cut since the focus with the Vogel cut is into the singularity point of that one crystal, correct?

Jen Han: You are correct. This applies to natural crystals. If you have an especially powerful and pristine natural crystal, you can use this one alone with your two hands. Having one natural crystal in each hand creates a current. Think about electrodes.

Dan: This group participation of imprinting into the planetary matrix is being done through the internet videos with people in front of their computer screens without their feet in direct connection to the soil of the planet. The question is, is this a vital component of this process and can it be facilitated by electrically grounding the participant using a grounding electrical wire connected to an earth ground?

Note: This can be achieved by an electrical connection to the body by a wire from an electrical outlet that includes a ground connection to earth.

Jen Han: I do not know about the wires you are mentioning. This is a procedure alien to me. (this made me chuckle and I explained to Jen Han about our primitive way of making electricity using wires. And he replied this:)

Jen Han: This seems dangerous. Having your feet on the ground of the planet is the best way to interface with the planetary matrix but if you stand in a building on this planet, you are also interfaced with the planet because you are within its grid.

(I explain to him that this is not dangerous and I ask the same question again)

Jen Han: Yes you can do that. With a wire. But there are also other ways, such as anchoring your consciousness to the body of the planet. You interface as well, indirectly. It is more faint but it still works.

(I had to smile that Jen Han was discovering our barbaric way to make electricity)

Elena: Ok so I feel I need clarity.. There are two things:
-Pulsing either sides of the compression node, that you call singularty, to activate the vortex in the crystal, and access the hologram of reality, and imprint thoughts in the planetary matrix.
-Then you have the generator of energy, with the two coils and the pulse.
These are two different applications, right?

Jen Han: The compression of the node by pulse, generates a piezzoelectric effect, which can make the crystal sing as well if you misuse it. The vortex is used to bridge: creative thoughts, densities, and other things. The two opposite coils are a way to produce energy supply but it doesn't bridge an intention into a matrix. At a certain level it opens the singularity vortex if there is an overload. The crystal sings. That is why the generators are not pulsed continuously but by periodically, by sequences. With a small Vogel crystal using the lateral pulse to open the eye, you can make the crystal sing if you pulse it for a long time, a very long time. You asked me this question already and the time depends on the size and the capacity of the crystal. You will feel statics before it sings. The small Vogel crystals used as such, are not dangerous. The big generators with the coils are.

Elena: Jen Han thank you so very much. Mentioning statics, I have reached my limit. Will you be willing to answer more questions tomorrow please?
Jen Han: My pleasure. I have nothing else to do on this station.

Dan: For clarification, when we refer to the 52 degree angle which acts as a responder in the matrix, is it more accurately 51.84 degrees? Like the great pyramid is not exactly 52 degrees, but very close at 51 degrees 51 minutes or 51.84 degrees.

(Thor Han needed to show his brother what it was about)

Jen Han: Oh I understand. The most accurate is 51.843 angle degree. 52 is in your metrics a general ratio for interface and it corresponds to specific mathematics. You understand, there is a range of angles, such as 60 to 65 degrees, and 51 to 52, that work for the same purpose, with different applications. The ratio of the dimensions of this pyramid is the most exact as it corresponds to a universal value which is light. Geometry generates frequencies. I told you, remember: quartz, light, love, water, have the same frequency. A small crystal functions with a 52 angle. As I mentioned to you previously, angles are adjusted for very big devices.

Elena: Why? That doesn't make sense..

Jen Han: Because of the bending gravitational field and electromagnetic field of the planet. A Vogel crystal the size of this pyramid should be 51.843 degree angle because it needs to be perfectly accurate, but very small crystals can function at 52 degree angle as it is less affected by these fields as much as the greater generators are. Although it is best they have this 51.834 ratio of course. Here also, you do not want to produce energy supply but affect the holographic grid using the eye of the crystal to crystallize then project a conscious thought.

Elena: I like it, that you said: “crystallize a thought”.

Jen Han: The Pulsed signal is the most efficient but Rectangular works well also. Remember, sharper is always better. It can be faster than 20 pulses per second of course but 20 is a good vessel for consciousness. Do not forget consciousness. 21 also works. Also work for a single monotonic pulse: multiples of 20 such as 40, 80, 160, 320 and so on. Another method is progressively increasing pulses from 20 to 30 to 50 to 80 to 130 to 210 to 340. It is the geometrical measure of vortex's horizon curve. After 340, if you follow this order, the crystal can sing at 550. I f you pulse directly at 550, it will not sing. What makes it sing is that you follow the order I gave you, from 10 to 550. but you don't need to do that. To carry a human thought-form through the crystal's vortex to imprint the hologram, breath pulse works and singular 20 pulse works. I sense an experimental mind in Dan.

Geometrical measure of vortex's horizon curve


Dan: On Terra the metal element of silver is the highest conductivity, so we should use silver electrodes on the flat surfaces of the crystal as in this below illustration?

Jen Han: yes. We do not have silver easily accessible where I live, we trade it expensively or we make it. You have it abundant naturally on Terra. Silver is a metal that has a close radiance and frequency to light. This is powerful, my friend. Make sure it doesn't sing.

Silver is the highest conductivity

When operating the crystal as in the above illustration should the 60 degree angle be pointing upward? (Marcel found the crystal direction was critical for some applications)

Jen Han: To imprint the morphic grid and alter the hologram, the 60 degree angle will point like a projecting beam to re-write the hologram. Yes it points upwards, aligned to the radius of the planet. This is important, related to the electromagnetic field and the bending gravity if it is a big crystal. Gravity bends light, so it affects also the toroidal field of the crystal. Some generators have the sharper point downwards for other reasons, but for the work you want to do, have it upwards.

Dan: Our specially cut 6 sided Vogel crystals in alignment with the natural hexagonal lattice is placed in a stand with the 60 degree sender angle pointed upward.

Thor Han: Jen Han said that it is correct. He is glad he was asked to double-check before you start the activation.

Very sharp and narrow electrical pulses at 20 per second at 15 volts amplitude from the signal generator are sent to the pure silver discs on both sides of the crystal’s compression node vortex center.

20.00 Hz @ 15 Volts

\ Signal Generator settings


Thor Han: Jen Han said that the 15 V is most efficient, and that it also works at a lower voltage but it needs to send a sufficiently powerful pulse and 15 V is efficient.

Dan: Before activating the singularity wormhole, mental preparation is done to enhance Gamma brainwave activity. Once activated and sitting in front of the crystal without touching it, we go with our mind to feel and connect to the singularity wormhole in the eye of the crystal.

Thor Han: I know you will prefer that my brother answers this one directly. I have the connection now.

Jen Han: Your settings are good, you are creative. We commonly use anti-gravity to hold a crystal device clear from any physical interference.

I was shown Elena's holding structure; a lot of metal around but it will not affect the results.

Note: Later on we discovered that the wire framework was not brass, but steel with a brass finish making it magnetic unlike brass

It is not an interfering metal. 15V is an efficient amplitude. Regarding the brain tuning into Gamma wave, we do this without effort because our brain frequencies are cleared. On Terra, the bodies you occupy have been poisoned with low frequency chemicals, in your food and in your water. But for those like you Dan, who have a clean natural diet, it is easier to tune your brainwaves at will. It is a matter of confidence, it really is. And I weight these words with great importance. Self-confidence is a crucial condition to tune your brain into Gamma. When you are familiar with this activity, you do it without crystal. But why not use these tremendously powerful tools at our disposal! The universe is filled with gems for us to pick. Source provides the tools that we need. Always. You can use technology to create Gamma brainwaves and the tuning forks Elena has are effective too. Yes it is not necessary touching the crystal while you perform the brain translation into Gamma. Then the brainwaves will propagate through the ether into the crystal, through the lattice, with purity, clarity and efficiency. Know that the skin shares chemicals and when a physical connection is made with the crystal, the power of consciousness will interface. Firstly, produce the Gamma brainwaves.

Dan’s Comment: I asked Elena how does Jen Han know what my food diet is like?

Elena left me a voicemail and said...

"Well, last night I was beamed on board Thor Han's ship, but I didn't stay long, about 15 minutes, minutes, and Jen Han was there, that's why he beamed me up, asked me if I wanted to, of course I always say yes, even if I'm sick, and I always do say yes. Jen Han was here because he was momentarily passing by, staying with him on the station, and that was nice to see him, is practically the same size as Thor Han. Well, yeah, it was really nice, so he said, so where are your questions?

I don't have my notes with me I said, we need to do it the regular way that I'm on Earth and I take notes, otherwise it's not good. I need to transcript your words as they are, so we are meant to do it tonight regularly, and while he's still on Thor Han's ship station, it's easier for them to do that.

Also, Jen Han is having another study trip with the Intergalactic Confederation is on the Altitan ship at the moment, working with them, learning from them, and he wanted to know about the fact that if he could live with them to the galaxy for temporary study, but he needs to complete first his training at the Pleiades University in Terraforming and then he would be able to go to their galaxy and learn in their world anything more. Because Jen Han said you imagine they are 20,000 years more advanced than us. And so he said it's amazing what they can teach us, it's mind blowing. And he was so excited and said no, you need to finish university first. That was so funny, it was like on Earth, young person was amazing. And I said when will you finish university? Said that's not the same amount of time, time doesn't pass the same way. So he wasn't able to tell me.

Then I asked him the question, how do you know about Dan's diet? And he laughed and he said well, do you think that we give information like this to people, random people, without scanning them and scanning them constantly? So he said, for example, safety, and he doesn't know what you eat, but he said everything your diet shows up in your frequency signature, so he knows what type of food you eat, not exactly what, you can't see that, but it says the frequency of the food you eat because it's in your aura. So that's how he explained it. So now he confirmed that you are scanned and protected and since this information were given to you, now you constantly looked after and that you don't have anything a big problem and that's it. So that's nice to know, that's what I want to say. Here we go. And then I had to go. It was just a short trip.”

Dan: Once that connection is felt and established, we visualize in our mind’s eye in as much clarity and totality as possible a positive timeline on Terra.

Jen Han: Yes. Always set the trajectory beforehand.

Dan: When that conscious vision has clearly formed, we then project that into the eye of the crystal using our pulsed breath to crystallize it into manifestation in the holographic grid of the planetary matrix.
Do we have this correct?

Jen Han: You have this correct. You put the seed into the crystal. Now you will activate the vortex.

Dan: Crystal with metallic 20 Hz pulse to open up singularity wormhole the most effective?

Jen Han: It can be slightly higher (frequency) but I recommend you keep it at this threshold, regarding the magnetic field of your planet and the size of the crystal. You don't want to break it.

Reference Jen Han:
“I would recommend synchronized breath and pressure. I repeat, you do not need to go as fast as you can. Human soul and body are a different transponder. Find the rhythm that you feel works for you. With fingers, pulse in synchronicity with your breath. The soul activates the vortex in the crystal by projection with the breath. “

Dan: Compared to using a Vogel crystal with just our fingers and finding a rhythm to synchronize with breath. Is using the “metallic” 20 electronic pulses per second considerably more effective at opening the singularity vortex within the crystal?

Jen Han: I will tell you this: you need this technology at this point in time, because it is more effective than what you bodies are, in average, able to do. But please know this: in a greater knowledge, you do not need this technology because your bodies are purveyed with natural abilities that can do that. You can literally project an electric field through the ether, with the simple power of your mind. Please make sure to tell Terrans to whom you will show this simple technology, that it works as well without this technology, as we spoke before, using their consciousness carried by the breath, and the pulse of their fingers. Of course, technology helps greatly.

Dan: Is the 6 sided only suited mostly for the application of imprinting into the singularity wormhole to modify the holographic matrix or for generating Phryll?

Jen Han: You can also heal with this one, because it is the most effective tool on manipulating the fabric of reality. Imprint the healthy element onto the defective one using the vortex. You know, and I shouldn't say that because it will open a new conversation, but you can interface your Pineal gland with the vortex of the crystal and travel distances and time by projection of consciousness. Another time maybe.

Dan: Is there a reciprocal connection between our planet’s ionospheric cavity which resonates signals similar to human brainwaves and human brainwaves?

Dan Comment: Physicist W.O. Schumann postulated mathematically that our earth and ionosphere constituted a cavity waveguide whose physical constants and magnetic field would oscillate at a resonant frequency identical to the range of human brain waves. Instrumental recordings of these signal tracings are indistinguishable from encephalographic recordings from human brain waves. This newly discovered phenomenon was dubbed the “earth brainwave.”

As Dr Robert Beck discovered that the brainwaves of Shamans synchronized with the so called "earth brainwave" of the planet of around 7.83 Hz. Could it be that the higher frequency gamma brainwaves of many minds collectively together interfaced into the planetary matrix with crystals could influence the "earth's brainwave" known as the Schumann resonance and cause it to momentarily spike higher in frequency?

Jen Han: Of course it does!

Dan: On June 12th 2022 Elena and Dan did a youtube video with approximately 1700 live participates with their crystals to simultaneously imprint a vision of a positive timeline into the planetary matrix and a spike was recorded on the earth's Schumann resonance. Do you think it is feasible that this spike was a result of this collective group effort?

Jen Han: Of course it had an effect. There is a ratio of population that needs to be gathered to produce a visible disturbance, and you did it that day. The brainwaves emitted by all living creatures on this planet are in inter-resonance with the ionosphere shell. If this ionosphere resonance shall change, all life on this planet would be affected. This is a topic I affectionate particularly because it is part of my work. Of course this process occurs naturally as well in the universe, as a natural law. When we make worlds suitable for receiving conscious life, we construct a series of layers around the planet, that we embed in its grid. Once it is integrated, it cannot go. All is held together with frequencies. All is inter-resonant. One tingle on the web ripples to the other side at a particle level. One affects the other: when your consciousness evolves, the frequency of your planet raises. That is how the inhabitants of a world can shift the density of their planet by themselves, by the simple power of their minds. Are you getting more clarity now?

Dan Comment: When Elena and I activated our Vogel/Eredyon cut crystals with the silver electrodes across the eye of the crystal to our generator, in the excitement we forgot to engage the signal output, yet we both could feel an effect, which it turned out to be our consciousness activating the crystals.

Jen Han: The settings with your silver coins and the device work. It opens the vortex. But what works above all is the secret element you discovered: consciousness. This is the secret that was kept. Consciousness is carried on the vessel of brainwaves, just as it can be carried by the breath. That is why I told you to produce Gamma brainwaves, because it is the only way your consciousness can affect the Ether and the holographic matrix. When you focused your thoughts into the crystal you used Gamma brain waves to imprint your thoughts and desires into the matrix of reality. Yes, there are not much measurable difference because consciousness does the work.

Although, when you pulse an electric signal into the vortex of the crystal, longitudinal waves are generated by the pulses of the crystal. These compression waves affect the fabric of space time. Harvested, they are a tremendous power supply. In our pyramid generators, the central crystal receives the electrical pulses that will induce the crystal to generate these waves of energy. This pulsating, compression waves that are created, are harvested by the upper part of the generator.

Jen Han: The angle is near 52 degrees. One degree variation can safely occur. This is why the receiver in your Vogel crystal has that same angle. Do you understand now? By nature of its cut, the Vogel crystal generates Phryll via the activation of the vortex, which procedure is performed via pulsation. Breath, electrical impulse, sound frequency, for the most commonly used. the receiver angle harvests it, and sends it to the emitter angle. It follows the movements in the toroidal field of the crystal.

Longitudinal waves are able to interact with consciousness, because the brain is an emitter and receiver of longitudinal waves. Longitudinal waves are the direct link with consciousness. So now you know, what the power of consciousness is. Coupled with the settings I guided you to build, you give consciousness a physical device to change the world as it pleases you. This great power, it is now time you know it.

Dan: I remembered you once said...
“If you do not feel it with your mind, you are not connected to the crystal's central vortex. You need to have the connection if you want to imprint an intention into the planetary matrix. The new template of reality cannot bridge to the old”

I was unable to “feel” it when the crystal was powered on, which may have to do with my need to further develop my abilities in the gamma brainwave level.
So even though I may not “feel” the singularity within the vortex, can I to some degree effectively imprint a vision into the matrix? Because I understood that if I don’t feel it, I am not connected to the eye of the vortex in order to imprint?

Jen Han: no, it works, the vortex is activated, but when you don't “feel” it, that means you are very weakly connected to it. Tiredness and low energy can affect the experience.


Jen Han: Dear Dan, you can program crystals. It especially works when you imprint the programming while the vortex is open. The program will not wither in time if it was imprinted into the open vortex. If the program is not imprinted into the vortex, so the programming will wither with time.


Dan: Could we augment our setup with a particular sound frequency (you said you may need to convert the correct frequency to use based on our time scale) ?

Jen Han: My scale of frequencies differs from that used on planet Terra. We do not use the same scale of time so the numbers for the frequencies are different. Although, yes, you can broadcast sound frequencies. I will need to convert into your time scale.

Jen Han: My brother can do that now. 1496 Hertz of your scale. 644 Hertz, 587 Hertz. Chose the 1496 Hertz please. Works best, but not in direct contact with the crystal, it can breach it.

Jen Han: it is activated by sound. Well to be more precise: by a frequency key shot at its compression node.

Jen Han: You are asking me if you must pulse a constant 1496 Hz, it is not necessary. It is best to pulse for a few seconds and then let the particles adjust their rate, then do it again after a while. Feel the particles telling you when they are craving for more of this frequency. You can also sequence the three frequencies and play this sequence intermittently. I hope this makes sense to you.

Dan: Our primary interest has been to affect positively the timeline of Terra’s planetary matrix. This is a priority, as I sense a beautiful incredible future is awaiting once Terra is liberated from the dark elements that have withheld this future using secrecy and deception. So this has to happen first before much more can be released.
Again, so grateful for this tool you have given Elena and I to imprint a reality into the matrix. I will continue to work with Elena and teach the public online with the collective power of a group of minds using their crystals. (more of the public are purchasing Vogel /Eredyon type crystals for this work)


Elena: I understand, it is OK. So anything else you can say about the breath? Its speed, rhythm?

Jen Han: short precise, surgical, powerful breaths are better than a long one. In a long one, the energy/intention gets absorbed by the Ether. In short quick breaths, the energy/intention keeps intact and doesn't lose intensity. I recommend short quick breaths, think about "precise surgical". Intention is like a needle: sharp and targeted very precisely to be able to penetrate matter.


Jen Han: What you shall not disclose is how to produce Phryll as a source of energy with a crystal. It would be useful for humans of Terra but not for you. It could challenge your safety. This is taken care of. I was told that the mission you have chosen consists in teaching the Terrans how they can change their reality. You always knew this. Teach them how to activate the vortex,and how to modify the holographic matrix.

In any case, there is a component that is kept secret when it comes to produce Phryll energy. As you may know, Phryll is akin to gravity waves. It is available everywhere on and near this planet, stars, and any object that induces gravity. Electrical pulses through the vortex of the crystal emit gravity waves. These waves carry Phryll
but it is not noticeable until you interface these waves with a conductive body, object, material, planet or else. It passes through it and you can measure it. For Phryll to be harvested directly from gravity waves, you need the hidden element.

Dan: Can dark elements use this knowledge potentially in nefarious ways, or are there safeguards in place? I will honor whatever Thor Han and Jen Han suggest.

Jen Han: They could use it for nefarious ends that is exactly what I meant. You don't want a second Atlantis disaster. You have lived there, you were there, you know.

Dan: I am with you dear friend, I too don’t want an Atlantis replay. You said “You have lived there, you were there, you know.” I was not aware of my past Atlantean life, do you have the ability to view that past life of mine is why you said that?

Jen Han:
Dear friend, I do have this ability because we have devices that are able to read the consciousness field. I cannot do it with my mind only because I would need to connect directly with you and ask for your permission. Also, Thor Han tells me that you need to remember by yourself in order to reactivate certain parts of your consciousness. I am not allowed to say more, only that you were a scientist and attendant of one of the generators. Your field of expertise included medical holographic science. You were there at the end and you left before the great
disaster, as you were part of the teams who traveled either side of the ocean to concealed the knowledge and technology deep underground in secret places. I must not say more, at least for now. I hope my questions were satisfying, please, do not hesitate to continue this pleasant adventure together. Your friend from afar.





"When you intend love into a crystal, you activate its transcending capacity"

"Dissonance cannot attune with an ordered state of geometrical resonance"

- Jen Han Eredyon